Realization pt.2

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~Persephone (POV)~
"Do you like him?" Amata questioned, "Who, Butch?" Raising an eyebrow, "Oh, come on, it's obvious you like him," she repeatedly teased. We both reached to my dorm, clicking the glowing green button. "I hate Butch, he's annoying and we fist fight since we were toddlers, something I'm not into, ok?" Amata glanced on her papers "Oh, I can't think of anything then fist fighting being romantic," Amata sarcastically sighed. We both head towards my room, sitting beside our dresses and heels. "Oh my god, I didn't know you had good taste," Amata opening my closet revealing a dress, "You should wear this it's way better," she continued. She insisted that my hidden long red, and v-neck dress was a perfect combination with the black stilettos.

"Persephone, come on, you'll look sexy," she giggled. "None of that, my dad doesn't like seeing me in that kind of outfit, Amata," I hesitated,"Come on, doesn't he work a long hour shift? Just wear a jacket," handing the dress and heels. "Plus, its the only thing you look great in, I mean look at that other dress," She grinned. "Oh, come on, my dad bought that dress, it's adorable." I grabbed the floral dress from the closet admiring the little printed roses, but she was right, I can wear whatever I want, I'm not 'daddy's little girl', I looked at her with a small grin, "Ugh, fine, but please do my hair," we both giggled softly and looked at each others dresses, feeling as if it was the only thing precious that we owned.


~Butch's (POV)~
"So Butch, who you going with?" Paul asked, "I don't know," glaring at my drink "Maybe some girl that catches my eye," shrugging "I think I'll ask Susie," Paul said, "You better watch it, if you do anything Paul," Wally hissed. "I still thinks it's a waste of my time, y'know," I said.

I took the last sip of my drink and threw it towards the trash, "Maybe Persephone," Paul joked, I look at him, narrowing my eyebrows "You kiddin' right?" I questioned, Wally and Paul chuckled "Yeah maybe her," Wally elbowed. "Nosebleed? She hates me and I hate her, that's the way it is, besides I have more important things to do." I shrugged, "Wait, you like her?" Wally exclaimed. I smirked "Of course not, she's a bitch."

Persephone appeared with Amata both giggling, and smiling like a twelve year old waiting for their cake. They both walked slowly to the line of people waiting for their food, some couple of adults arguing about a damn Nuka-Cola not being cold enough, or that they ran out of Fancy Lad Cakes."Hey, let's get another drink," I whispered, "Alright," Wally murmured. We stood up from the booth, walking behind the girls.

My hands clenched, ready to insult the little princesses, "Are you on a date, pipsqueak?" I smirked, crossing my arms. "Shut up, go bitch to someone else, would you," Persephone snapped, staring the opposite direction. "Oh, but I want to bitch at you, shrimp," I hissed back. "Look, just because your mom keeps drinking, doesn't mean you have to be bitchy, and fight with people all the time," She grinned. "Oh, shit," Paul whispered, "Damn," Wally said. "y'know most people don't talk to you if you keep getting offended by shit, little princess." I yelled, "All the crap I keep saying is just jokes, no need to be a huge tramp." I continued. I stormed off, not giving a fuck about the other people in front of me.


~Persephone's (POV)~

"Well, fuck you too," I muttered. "Maybe he's right, I should have not said that about his mother," I whispered. I lowered my eyes "It's fine, just apologize, when you see him" Amata patted my back, "But he's pissed, and also that thing I said about his mother," I began to sob, "No, don't cry, it'll be ok," She hugged me, "Yeah, i'll apologize," I murmured. "Alright, let's get some Fancy Lads, and go to Butch's hideout," Amata said, "Yeah," I responded.

"What a fucking bitch, she fucking disrespected me," Walking back and forth, clenching my fist, imitating punches. "She'll fucking pay," I heard the door open, the silhouette of a girl appeared, "Butch, and I need to talk to you," Persephone stuttered, "I'm so sorry that I said that about your mother, it wasn't my intention to say that, it just came out," she continued, rubbing her hands together, "I know right now you pissed and feel like you have to kill me, but I'm sorry," still ignoring her, "Look shrimp, I'm not into emotional shit, go cry to someone else," shouting, "Butch I'm being really neutral with you, if you can't forgive me for that then what is the point of saying sorry," walking out of the door. "Fuck you bitch," before leaving, Persephone came back initiating a conversation, "How can I make it up to you, anything, name it," licking her lips, "Do you want to go?" Persephone questioned, "To what, your fucking secret room, what?" I yelled in irritation. "To the prom, to the fucking prom," She repeated, "What?" gulping, "Are asking me out, shrimp," smirking quietly. "Look, it's the least I can do, I'm really sorry, I am really." She crossed her arms, looking downward. "Yeah, sure pipsqueak," grinning, "Wow you asking me out shrimp, it's brave," scratching my head, "It's just for me saying sorry, not because of something else," her cheeks flushed, "You sure their?" Grinning again, walking towards her, "You sure?" Whispering to her ear. Pushing me away, her eyes trying to not make any contact "Yes I'm fucking sure, look the prom is starting in three hours. Get ready, and pick me up at 8pm, 'k? She smiled, "'k?" I imitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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