No Homo

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Chapter 1: No Homo

Foundations crumbling rapidly, looking back now, the answer still isn’t clear. I was sixteen then, how could it have been? I'm seventeen now, and it still isn’t. My mind still hasn’t pushed forward a reasonable explanation of why things turned out the way they did and why I did the things I did. I am still lost and naïve, just as I was then.  

So there I was...

10:50am / Apartment of Amy Terris

I awoke to the sun caressing my cheeks. My arms were folded behind my head as if I was in complete paradise. All the petty little woes that troubled me so had gone from my head. They had vanished, and Oh! Oh, how I thought the world was so perfect in that moment. Complete and utter silence. I could see the minute dust particles catching the sun’s rays and floating gently across the room. My eyes were focused on the ceiling. Plain and white, it represented purity- not yet tainted by the raunchy environment I quickly realized I was in.

At my feet, lay a girl with blue jean shorts pulled so far up her ass I could see her panties. Her flimsy cotton tank top had been ripped open and her push up bra was now exposed. I could see that her shorts were unzipped, and her matching striped panties begged to be covered by the small article of clothing she adorned called "shorts". Her hair was a tangled mess, her eyes smeared with heavy black eyeliner, and her hand lay in the crotch of a boy sprawled across the carpet with No Homo printed boldly across his tight fitting V-neck. At the bedside, lay a boy with just a paper bag covering his member and his hand in a blue party cup. Outlining his body were several blue solo cups all filled with multi colored mixed beverages. Ironically scribbled on his chest was the word Dick in black sharpie.

With either cellphones or solo cups beside them, several others lay in compromising positions on the floor. The air smelled like a mixture of vomit, KFC, and ass; all blended flawlessly together with the summer heat. I knew about parties. I knew about people who had parties. I knew how parties ended, and I knew that most of them ended with hazy memories and stinging disappointment.

To be honest, I wasn’t the kind of kid who got in trouble. I didn't know how I had got here. I didn't even know whose apartment I was in, nor did I recognize any of the people surrounding me. I wasn’t disappointed in myself, nor did I feel sorry for-

 "Amy! What the hell? Amy, what the hell is all of this? All of these people! Are you on drugs? YOUR FATHER AND I WORK SO HARD- WE WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS! THIS! AMY MARIE TERRIS!,” a woman’s voice bellowed from the lower part of the apartment.

Suddenly the sleep jumped out of my body and I was quite sure I had pissed on myself. I was no longer sleepily dazed. My throat jumped into my stomach and began doing sommer-saults as the sweat on my brow began to form. What had I gotten myself into?

The girl that lay at my feet began to stir. She parted her lips and exhaled with a deep sigh. Opening her eyes to the day, she began clawing at my legs. With a toothy grin, she straddled me and held a thin finger to my lips. Her eyes still demanding sleep, and her body not yet synchronized with her brain, she began to sway back and forth. During her swaying, I happened to catch a glimpse of her silver necklace.


 My life flashed before my eyes quicker than a cellmate’s in the hot seat.

My heart started pounding and pure fear coursed through my veins. A lump in my throat began to form and my palms commenced to create sweat. I knew there was only one thing to do, and I knew that I would never regret it.

I grabbed Amy roughly by her shoulders, to which she protested immediately and started to squirm, and threw her to the floor on top of the Dick guy. He jerked up furiously, pushing Amy aside. I attempted to scurry to my only hope of exit:  the window.

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