The First Mission

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Falcon's POV

  We saw Ellie being wheeled down to where we were. We were all shortly briefed on the entire Justice and Young Justice League. By saying we I mean Black Bat, Blue Lantern, Invincibleboy, Marvel Girl, Martian Boy, Streak, and I, Falcon. If you don't know our story already, here it is. We were seven normal kids that got kidnapped by Vandal Savage, Queen Bee, Brain, Chaos, Black Manta, Lex Luthor, and one other person but I forgot his name. Villains took some of the main seven Justice Leaguers DNA and, since they didn't have enough DNA to make a clone, they injected the Leaguers DNA into us. I got wings. BL got a blue core ring. Streak got speed. MG got Amozonian powers. MB got Martian powers. IB got Kryptonian powers. BB got Batmans skills and brains.

  When Ellie was wheeled down to us, we were being briefed on our first mission. When Ellie came to a stop we all looked at her and Ellie's eyes widened. It was funny. She was finally wheeled to her destination. There was a massive blizzard outside. No way could any of us go out in that storm. If even if we could fly or not, it was too dangerous.

  We were walking around the halls of the base with Lex Luthor. He was showing us the building, but we were going to the missions room. I think, every villain, they recruited for this mission, was in there. We walked in with Lex Luthor in front of us then Invincibleboy then Black Bat next Marvel Girl then Blue Lantern next was Martian Boy then Streak and finally it was me. We walked in and saw Killer Frost, Captain Cold, Jr. , Freeze, and Sr. I guess they're the cause of the blizzard. We stood at the door while Luthor told them about the mission.

  One question has been racing through my head ever since they made me this. Why did it have to be me? Out of all the children in the world, they picked me. Yeah, I know I have red hair and a temper like Shayera, but that doesn't mean there's other people like Shayera out there. I'm not the only one, right? Oh, I hope I'm not wrong, but I'm starting to think this isn't the team I want to be on. I know, they gave me these wings, they gave me the ability to fly, they even gave me a mace. But that doesn't mean they're the right people I want to fight beside. This feeling I have is doubt, I'll get over it and then I'll see that these are the people I want to fight beside.


The Injustice League was talking with the Justice League. They were about to show their secret weapon- us. I was getting nervous. I was kinda always had stage fright. After this everyone will know us. Wow, Lex Luthor is really rubbing off on me.

It was time. They said their cue. Slowly, one by one we flew, ran, or did the Batman entrance. The entire Justice and Young Justice League was there. We were ready to attack on Joker's go. The seven people who kidnapped us don't make appearances often, they just send their little pawns to do their bidding. "I would like you meet your clones." Joker smirked while all of their eyes widened even more. He got it wrong. We're not clones, we're kids who have their DNA mutated into our DNA. I didn't correct him because I didn't have a death wish.

"Martian Boy, do your thing." Poison Ivy commanded. He nodded and sent a brain wave that pushed everyone but the main seven Leaguers away.

"We'll leave you to it then." Count Vertigo said. They left and it was just us and them. We stood together in a line, ready to attack. The League didn't know what to do. They just stood there utterly confused.

"Are you all with me?" I asked the team I was on, in a mind link.

"Yes." Black Bat replied sternly.

"You betcha." Streak replied goofily.

"I'm always on your team." Marvel Girl replied in a soft voice.

"Most definitely." Martian Boy replied in a martian voice.

"Count me in." Invincibleboy replied in a commanding voice.

"I'll never leave your side." Blue Lantern replied. I could feel his smirk for some reason.

"On my go." I commanded "3...2...1... let's do this thing." We all smirked and attacked.

Martian Boy attacked J'ohn Jozz by turning into a lizard type thing. I jumped up and flew over to Shayera and swung my mace at her. I didn't pay attention to the rest. All I know is that they fought, they fought hard. Me and Shayera almost blew each other's brains out. We kept on dodging each other's mace but I got her. I almost punched her in the face but she blocked it then I hit her in the gut with my mace. She stepped back from the blow then I hit her to the ground. Mine and Shayera's maces are identical. They both disturb magic and they both have the element of electricity. I allowed my mace to have electricity run through it. I kneeled down beside Shayera, she was knocked out. To be fair I did hit her in the head, so she has an excuse for being knocked out by a kid. I was going to kill her but something inside me was telling me to have mercy on her. I stood up and she opened her eyes. My mace was still sending off electric vibes. She looked straight into my eyes then her eyes widened. I think Shayera knew what I was going to do, or at least what I had planed to do. I brought my mace up and I guided it down to where Shayera's head was. I didn't kill her. I guided it down right beside her head. I lowered my head right in front of her's.

  "Next time you get on my bad side, I won't miss." I brought up my head and looked at my teammates. They had, successfully, knocked out the rest of their, I guess, mentors. I don't really know what to call them so I guess they're our mentors now. I knocked out Shayera and left with my teammates. Vandal Savage is going to kill me if he finds out I had a chance to kill Shayera but I didn't. I guess, I listened to my better angels.

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