Poems from a not so good place.

79 3 7

1. Hate

"Hate comes from within."

say some wise men of old

"They were fools"

Hate does not come from within.

It is planted there

by the parasites

we welcome so lovingly.

The deeper we let them inside

the harder and deeper

they strike.


Hate will continue to reside.

Infesting.                  ( we cannot do anything)

Mutating.                  ( we are paralysed)

Consuming our insides.          ( can no longer stop it )

The truth is at this point             ( we no longer want to.)


We are fused with it,

pulling our hairs from the roots

leaving only the painful holes behind

as a grotesque resemblance

of what we look at

as ourselves.


We forget the person

we were supposed to despise.

Only are left with the hate.

"need it"

We start hating ourselves.

We love the non-duality,

wanting a non existent irony

and we start to ponder

our puny existence.

How unimportant & worthless

we are for the world, for anyone in that matter.


Although, some few of us

find a saviour

who pulls them back and

shows them the light out of their darkness

joy out of their sadness

relief out of their agony

and love out of their loneliness.

"And then they leave"

just as the ones who came before.

Inflicting wounds

and leaving scars much stronger.


"The cycle starts again"

and it keeps on going

until all you seek is


to be shunned


left alone

walked over.

Until all you seek is


Poems from a not so good place.Where stories live. Discover now