Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world <3 (EjLes18)

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' Okay so I just want to share to you guys about what I told to my boyfriend @ our 2nd monthsary last November 2013 and it came truly deeply from bottom of my heart. <3

Dear Langgah,

It has been 2 months and I hope it would continue to be this way. I know that despite the happy moments we've shared together, there were also many sad and awful moments which was mostly been caused by me and I still hate myself for that but yet, I am thankful that the love between us is growing stronger. I have to admit, there are times when I don't feel deserving of being loved by you but I am so thankful that you came into my life and became such a huge part. I am also thankful that despite all the negative emotions I've made you felt, you still shower me with so much love. I feel that the relationship we have is mature. Not the type of relationship that two highschool kids would have. I hope that our love will continue going strong and I am sorry for everything I did wrong to you. Thank you for forgiving me for all my mistakes and I've forgiven you of yours. I wish us both a happy life and strong stable relationship together. Then again, sorry for all those pain and disappointments I've caused you. I love you so much and I will love you more and more in every waking day of my life. :*

~ I want this message locked in this page && in my heart forever. <3

Awww, that would be all. Thank you for reading :*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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Love is the most wonderful feeling in the world &lt;3 (EjLes18)Where stories live. Discover now