Chapter 6

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Waking up to soft snores was one one of my pet peeves, however it didn't bother me in the slightest when Jason snored. He looked so youthful and, dare I say, beautiful in his sleep. 

I have so many questions, but I'm sure he won't answer any, and that's okay for now. It's okay because right now I'm perfectly content with my life. I just have to give Jason a chance. I softly ran my fingers through his jet black hair. He stirred, but didn't awaken.

In fear of him actually waking up, I removed me hand. This action earned me a loud groan of disapproval from him, and a slight jump from me. 

His eyes fluttered open to meet mine.

"That felt really good." He smiled sleepily. 

"I didn't want to wake you." I said with a blush. Jason only smirked and got out of bed, but not before planting a chaste kiss on my cheek.  

"I say that we should go to the next town over. They have shops we could visit to buy the accommodations you may need. Plus I'm fairly sure that you might want to get out of the castle for a bit, yes?" Jason asked me. 

I thought it over for a moment, is there anything I needed? I could use some more soaps. . .

"That sounds lovely, when would you like to go?" I agreed.

"How about noon?" He asked, to which I nodded. Jason seemed pleased that we were getting along so well. So was I. 

I quickly got changed into a casual, cream colored evening gown. Jason had finished quickly as well and wore the basic outfit for a prince. 

Yet he still managed to look dashing. I blushed as he offered his elbow, which I gladly took. He helped me into the carriage as we set off to the next town over. I couldn't quite remember the name, but they were known for their dresses and clothing that they sold. 

"Ariel, can I ask you something?" Jason turned to me.

"Of course, what would you like to know?" I countered. I watched with fascination as he licked his bottom lip before asking me his question.

"Do you ever want to have children?" He rushed out. I felt all the air leave my body. Gulping, I turned to him with wide eyes. 

"What brought this on?" I asked in a different pitch than I normally have.

"I was just thinking about our future, and I couldn't help but think of kids." He explained, looking a little sheepish. 

"Do you want children?" I asked slowly. 

He seemed to deliberate his answer before actually giving me an answer.

"I mean, I've always wanted a little one running around calling me father, and you mother." He said with love shining in his eyes. It was hard to say no to such a face.

"Well maybe not right away, but I do share that wish of having children. But I believe that I'm a bit young for kids at the moment." I said cautiously. Jason seemed a bit sad at what I had told him.

"I'm not saying no, Jason. I'm just saying that I want to spend more time with you before we have children." I explained, which seemed to put him at ease. 

"Don't worry, I understand where you're coming from. It can be a hard decision to make, but I know that eventually we'll have children." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. It's as if his smile were a disease that forced you to try and outshine his smile, yet you never could. 

The rest of the ride was silent and peaceful. Neither of us had tried to start up a conversation, but it wasn't awkward, it was just. . . perfect. 

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