Prisoner of Cell 666

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Hey Peoplez!!!!! I have been writing a lot of random stuff lately and this is a thing that i wrote which i might create into a book! Vote if you want, i don't honestly care; i just want to hear your opinions on this :3

<3 Terra



                I looked up at the brown and gray haired, teal eyed man; who is now staring at me, making sure I wouldn’t pull any tricks… Smart man.

“Guess”, I replied sarcastically, as I reclined in my chair and put my feet on the metal table. I was in an interrogation room; brick walls, a one way window behind the man, a heavy metal door on the right side of me, and a security camera in the corner of the room, having its attention on me. I have been in this room for more than thirty minutes with this man, & this has been the first time the guy said something.

The guy sighed in grief, rubbing his temples, as he said,” Can you just answer my question without making smart remarks, please? I know we both don’t want to be stuck in here all day.”

I rolled my eyes as I took my feet off the table, and replied,” Fine, but we both have to answer the questions. It’s not fair if I told you about myself and I don’t know anything about you.”

“Fine”, he replied with a concerned expression on his face. “My name is Nicholas Carter. You can call me Nick, but you have to address me as Mr. Carter in front of my co-workers. What’s your name?”

“Bella Rouge”, I said, precautiously. I never liked my name, being that I’m used to using false names for myself.

The guy looked up at me curiously, and he asked,” Is that your real name, or is that a nickname?”

“It’s my real name, sir. Well, I don’t honestly know if that’s my official name. It was the name I was given when I lived in an orphanage.”

“You lived in an orphanage”, he asked as he wrote something down on to his notepad.

I nodded my head, as I replied,” I did, until I was 6 years old, when the orphanage got burnt down. Luckily, I was the only kid in the orphanage at the time. The other kids were at school, and I had to stay at the orphanage because I wasn’t feeling well.”

He began to write something onto his notepad again, when he asked,” Three questions: First, before we move on to another subject, why were you named Bella Rouge? Second, how did the orphanage catch on fire? And third, what happened after the fire?”

I moved my hand into my straight, dark brown hair and moved it to the front of my head to my bags, which cuts across my face and covers my left eye. For some reason, instead of the front part of my hair, that lines my face, being brown, I was born with it being separated into six parts with each having a different color.

The section farthest to my right is a blood red color, then dark gray, maroon, white, silver, and blood red again.

I looked up at Nick, who is watching me precautiously, and said,” For some reason, my bangs are naturally these colors. So they called me ‘rouge’, being that it’s French for red and the main color is red. I don’t know why they named me Bella, but I don’t honestly care.”

He changed his precautious glare to a curious frown, as he asked,” What about the orphanage fire?”

“Next question”, I replied, not wanting to answer that question. I hate talking about my childhood, and I’m surprised that I even answered his questions about it.

We kept eye contact, trying to see who would give in first, until Nick gave in five minutes later by saying,” Fine. Age?”

“16. I’m turning 17 tomorrow, actually. How old are you”, I replied, almost forgetting that today is August 20th.

He looked up at me after writing and replied,” 42. Yes, I’m old. What grade are you in at school?”

“Skip”, I exclaimed, knowing that he is going to yell at me, in 3, 2, 1…

“Do not tell me that you don’t go to school”, he said, doing one of those face palm things that you hear about on the internet, or something.

I sank down into my seat as I replied,” Fine, I won’t say it. But I’ll tell you that I never actually went to school.”

He sighed as he wrote something down and said,” I know one thing you will be doing when summer ends. Anyways, I’m guessing you won’t tell me what happened during your childhood, so I’m done questioning you, for now.”

“Finally”, I said joyfully, as I stood up and ran to the door of the interrogation room.

When I began opening the door, the door got pushed closed. I looked up at Nick, glaring, as he pointed to the chair I was sitting in a few seconds ago.

I walked back to the chair, being a bit ticked off, as he said,” Sorry, but you have to stay in here while I go talk to my boss about something. I’ll be back in a few minutes. You want me to get you something?”

“To get out of here? A reason for why I am here? A million dollars”, I said sarcastically, as I took out my cell phone and began to play solitaire.

“Sorry, but we don’t have that at the moment. Maybe later”, he replied, as he shut the door behind of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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