Chapter Five: Without Your Touch I'm Not Gonna Last

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"I love you.." Shane choked out in a way that he was afraid to say it but he meant it, despite only knowing Kate for a little while now, the actually amount of time that has past, he didn't know.

Kate stumbled back, she felt Shane grab tightly a hold of her arms to keep her from backing away from his tight embrace. She leaned up and kissed him before the yells of Rick ended their moment. Kate couldn't believe what Shane had said. With a quick twist, Kate ran after Rick and the rest of the group, Shane following quickly behind.

The group follows down a long narrow and dark pathway. When they hear talking they all take covered against the wall, they hear Maggie impale a man with a bone. Daryl throws a smoke grenade and the group quickly ambushes the group who were about to kill Maggie and Glenn. 

With a smooth escape, they withdraw towards a vacant house. Only to find someone of their group missing. 

"Where's Michonne," Rick growls as he looks around the quiet room, despite the loud commotion outside, orders were being made to shoot and kill all of them on sight.

"Daryl, it's Merle. Merle did this," Glenn who is badly injured speaks out.

"What," Daryl was unaware that Merle was in Woodbury, despite the rest of the group knowing.

Rick speaks up, "Now Daryl, we need to get these two to safety, we can't go after your brother."

"But he's my brother!"

The group gives glances at each other than looks at Daryl who moved his eyes from Rick towards Glenn and Maggie, it was obvious they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. There was no time for trips to find Merle, especially sense he was responsible for this.

Daryl puckered his lips and nodded at the group, he knew he'd go back for Merle anyway but he needed to help everyone else get out first. He was going back, there was nothing they could say to stop him.

 Shane pulls back the door a little and tosses out a smoke grenade, jogging out of the vacant house with Kate. Rick exits next followed by Daryl, Glenn and Maggie. Woodbury soldiers were ready for them, the group and them begin to have a shootout. The smoke rising in the air, masking where Rick and the rest run.

"Get out of here, take them to safety," Shane ordered Kate, pointing towards an exit then turning away, his gun going off.

Before Kate could protest Rick had grabbed her arm and began pulling here towards a bus, "Go!"

Rick's voice made Kate jump a bit before she climbed up a turned over bus, laying flat down and pulling Glenn up then Maggie. They all ran off to safety while Rick hesitated, looking over towards a dark shadow approaching from the smoke. It was Lori. Rick froze. 

"Shane, Rick!" Daryl's voice rose over the gunfire, "Get outta here, go!"

Shane jumped out of cover and ran over towards the paralyzed Rick, "Get up, man!" Shane pulled Rick to his feet, wondering what he was so fixated on, nothing was there, "God damn it, get going!" 

Rick's eye finally left Lori and looked up at Shane, he came out of it and scrambled to his feet running towards the bus. Shane followed behind him, walking backwards to give him cover. Daryl was nowhere in sight.

A loud pop went off, Rick turned while crouching on top of the bus. He saw blood splatter up into the fog from Shane's arm, he went down abruptly. Without hesitation Rick shot the man who shot Shane straight in between the eyes, then proceeded to jump down and knelt beside Shane.

"Just go," Shane whispered, unsure of how badly he was hurt.

"Get up," Rick picked Shane up by the uninjured arm, "You didn't leave me," He mumbled under his breath. Despite the hatred he had for Shane, he wasn't going to leave him there, he knew he was only shot in the bicep, if Rick left he would have murdered him. 

Rick pushed Shane up the bus with force, Shane slid off the bus on the safe side as Rick jumped up and crawled over. 

"Come on, I'm not carrying you the entire way. Hershel will patch that up, no harm done," Rick pushed at Shane's back to hurry up. Shane held his would tightly, blood poured over his hand.

When they two men approached the rest of the group, Michonne stood with them. Rick glared at her, he didn't trust her and didn't want her there anymore, but Michonne knew they needed her. Daryl was now missing, they needed him back and would need her help.

Kate rushed over to Shane once she saw he was bleeding, with sudden force she tore her shirt in half, "Here," She pulled back his hand, the blood and skin made a gush noise that made Kate want to gag, but she held it back as she wrapped her torn shirt around the wound, the white quickly becoming stained with dark red blood.

"We have to go back for Daryl," Rick pushed past the lovebirds, ignoring their tight embrace.

Rick, Kate, Shane and Maggie all agreed to go with to rescue Daryl while Maggie and Glenn stayed behind, "I'm not risking you running off again. You stay here in case anything happens," He orders Michonne before the group runs off back towards Woodbury.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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