Top Ten: Slipknot Songs

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Yes, here it is! A list of the best Slipknot songs ever in my opinion ofc ;)

10. Surfacing (Slipknot)

At number 10 we have a song from the bands debut album in 1999 called Surfacing

To me it's a song that makes think about everyone I hate

Best line(s): Fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for

9. People = Shit (IOWA)

Yes, another hate song but this time from their second album IOWA which was released in 2001

Many consider this to be the heaviest album by Slipknot

This song makes me want to kill

Best line(s): PEOPLE = SHIT!

8. Spit It Out (Slipknot)

This is one of those epic songs you'll never forget, the heavy intro, the insanely quick screaming vocals, the breakdown in the middle of the song

Just pure awesome

Best line(s): 1 Since you never gave a damn in the first place maybe it's time you had the tables turned

2 Big motherfucker, stupid cocksucker

7. Snuff (All Hope Is Gone)

This song was released in 2008 on Slipknots newest album of today: All Hope Is Gone

Some say this is the bands attempt on a power ballad

It's one of the few Slipknot songs that doesn't have any screaming vocals

Best line(s): If you still care don't ever let me know

6. Wait And Bleed (Slipknot)

Yes, I'm putting this song on number 6 even though it's by many considered to be the best Slipknot song

To me it isn't, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome right?

Best line(s): The whole chorus

5. Before I forget (Vol 3: The Subliminal Verses)

This is where it got hard for me, I had trouble deciding on the songs 5-2 and they might come in any order actually

This is one of the more experimental Slipknot songs

At first I didn't like this song but as timed passed by I started to like it more and more

Best line(s): THE END OF THE ROAD!

4. Duality (Vol 3: The Subliminal Verses)

Again, an experimental song! This one starts out slow but gets faster after a while

Not too long ago, this was actally my favourite Slipknot song

Best line(s): I push my fingers into my eyes

3. Eyeless (Slipknot)

So, top 3!

Starting out with Eyeless we have a pretty brutal song that I personally love

This is one of these songs that got me into Slipknot


2. (sic) (Slipknot)

This song was from the start known as "Slipknot" on their first demo "Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat." but was later renamed to (sic)

This song is their best song live, together with 724617000027 it's just so epic the first time you hear it

Best line(s): You can't kill me cause I'm already inside you


Before I announce the winner I want to take some time to mention some songs that didn't make the list:

Psychosocial (All Hope Is Gone)

The Heretic Anthem (IOWA)

Dead Memories (All Hope Is Gone)

Pulse Of The Maggots (Vol 3)

1. Vermilion pt. 1+2 (Vol 3)

You probably saw this coming

I chose to put both parts in the number 1 spot because they're both that awesome but part 2 is the best one

What I like about these songs is that the first one is so heavy and dark while the second one is acoustic and sad

They're hands down, the best Slipknot songs

Best line(s): I won't let this build up inside of me

She isn't real, I can't make her real

Thanks for reading this!

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