Color my World -Jasper Jordan AU

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Do I need to credit the video? Well, if I'm honest, I don't know this song all that well. But I think it fits. 
Soulmate AU.


Jasper Jordan was colorblind. Like everyone else. No one could see color, at least not anyone who didn't know their soulmate.

Apparently, you can see color after seeing them. Jasper didnt think he had one, honestly. Because the color blindness you get is monochromatic, or one color.

Jasper saw no color, no not black and white. The he saw literally no color, he could never really describe it. There was nothing to define it, other than "It's colorless," but people just think he means black or white.

Anyway, back to what made him believe he had no soulmate. Soulmates see the color their other half will favor after being able to see it. Jasper guessed it was some sort of instinct thing, or more fate related nonsense.

But Jasper couldn't see any color, which led him to believe he had no "other half."

Another thing that made Jasper worry is the fact that you usually meet the other person by the age of eighteen. (A/N: Please tell me someone gets the hint/reference.)

Jasper is newly twenty. So, to him, it's not going to happen.

But we all know that fate, and the author, will work magic to help him, right?


Jasper ran a hand through his hair as he sat at a computer. He was currently trying to figure out why the computer couldn't run certain applications. Being the company's head IT technician meant constant complaints. Which usually could he solved by a simple reboot or virus sweep.

This was not one of those cases. Jasper started going through his options, A reboot usually clears the RAM storage, this was more than that, besides the computer has been restarted already. The virus sweep lead to nothing, and if-

His thought process was cut short by a bunch of tapping sounds. It sounded like plastic hitting against various surfaces.

Curious, Jasper rolled the desk chair to the cubicle's entrance. He peeked out and saw a bunch of other people doing the same before a bunch of whispers started.

He raised an eyebrow and scooted the chair out of the cubicle slightly. Jasper then saw a girl holding a thin stick as she tapped it against the walls of cubicles, trash cans, and water dispensers that littered the small walkway between the rows of cubicles.

Jasper was stunned, not really because of the obviously blind girl. But because he could see her clothes- more specifically their colors.

His eyes widened as he noticed the colors of everything. Even though everything was practically grey, except for a few items on desks, and the occasional tie of an employee.

Then, everything made sense. If she was his soulmate, and she was blind there was no way she could have a favorite color after meeting him. She couldn't see any color, just like me.

Jasper rolled his chair back into the cubicle when she came close to needing get to past.

If she can't see, how will she know who I am? Would she believe me?

"Hello?" A soft voice came from behind him. Jasper nearly fell out of the seat.

When he turned around, the girl was standing in front of him. He could see her the (h/c) of her hair, the (e/c) in her eyes.

"Hi," Jasper smiled, even though he knew she couldn't see it.

"You can see color now, right?" The girl asked, softer than before.

"H-how did yo-"

"You're my soulmate, I don't need eyes to feel that." She chuckled softly and stuck her hand out, "I'm Y/n."


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