Bully me no more!

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I went into school knowing exactly what to expect. Nobody to talk to me, do my work, hide in the toilets, do more work, stand with teachers, run home. This day was different though, I'd had enough. I was in class minding my own business when Justice came over, hit me in the back of my head and said "watch at playtime" and then walked away as if nothing had happened. I was petrified, I hated being the girl nobody like and I hated being the one people picked on even more! The bell rang and it was time to face the fury, I hung around the classroom with hope that once I left the room, they would have forgotten.. Boy was I wrong!

I walked outside and saw nobody, I thought I was in the clear but as soon as I turned around, there she was with her friends... and Holly! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the girl I thought was my friend was now on there side. I couldn't do anything about it, they came crashing down on me, hitting, pulling and punching, all I could do was curl up and try to cover my face. Once they were satisfied, Justice bent down and told me if I told anyone what had happened, they would do it again... but worse. I lay there crying for a while, when a teacher came over ever so worried and asked me what had happened, that was my big chance to make everything stop but at the time I was so afraid they would do it again I just told the teacher I fell over (which was understandable for a kid like me). That day ended in a blur and when I got home I decided I'd just skip dinner and go straight to bed. I woke up earlier this night because I went to bed so early and when I got downstairs to go to the toilet I heard a loud thump, I ran to the living room to see my mother on the floor and my father standing by her as he said "If you just listened, I wouldn't have to do this". That was it, I'd had enough. I hated being beaten up, I hated seeing my own mother, my role model, the woman I treasured, being beat up. I walked in calmly and just stood there and waited for my father to finish his pathetic rant before I ran over to him and punched with all my strength, yes I know I didn't have a lot of strength but I didn't care, I decided nobody would hit me or my mother ever again, I hated those girls at school and I hated my father. I just couldn't take it anymore, I just cried and punched and shouted over and over again "I hate you! You're a stupid dad!" (Bare in mind I was only 11 at the time). I felt like nothing could stop me, I knew that day that things were going to get better...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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