Rant on...Well, Everything!

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Well, it's that time of the year. Thanksgiving has rolled around again, but I'm not particularly thankful. I don't know if it's puberty or what, but I'm feeling lonelier than ever. Big kids scare me, little kids annoy me, and adults... well, they try, but I never feel like they care. I've lost my appetite this year. I just don't feel like they care. It's irritating, really, to have to come here every year. We eat, dad and mom play cards, mom gets drunk, and we leave. Why are there no kids here my age? It's annoying that there's no one to talk to, especially since I really need someone to connect to. I don't know... Why should they care, right? If only I could find someone to talk to, but all of my friends are also out celebrating, and my boredom just keeps on coming. The good thing is that I get to hear all of their voicemails. To quote Chris Kay from math class, "I'm overjoyed, dare I say exultant?" Well, there's not much to do here. The laptop has no internet, I don't feel like waiting for Sims 3 to load, and, once again, big kids scare me. I should really get some friends or something, or learn to hijack a car, or pick a lock or something. Maybe I should try and learn some languages or something. Adults find me tiresome and not even my parents worry about me. My little brother is being spoiled again, since he "accidentally" ate nuts, and now mom and dad have to drive to town to get him some medicine. Mom should really learn to pack these things. I'm willing to bet that if I was sick, they would tell me to suck it up or something like that and continue eating. They'd say that I was being spoiled. Oh, what's that I hear? Why, it's my brother, yelling on the top of his lungs when he says that his throat hurts. Of course, what do I know? I'm just an idiotic, annoying, spoiled teenager. My loneliness is my fault. It's no one's fault that big kids like to exclude me or the fact that adults prefer to forget about my existence or my little brother has succeeded to scam my parents into pitying him. Wow, I REALLY hate this holiday.

Now, I'm going to move on to a bigger topic. I'm going to rant about why I hate America. We're ethnocentric, always believing that we're the best of the best. HELLO PEOPLE!?!?!? YOU DARE CALL YOURSELVES THE BEST OF THE BEST!?!?!? Who's drowning all of their citizens in debt? Who built a multimillion dollar tower to count how much we owe the rest of the world? Who complains about debt and then allows its CEO's to buy solid gold jets? Let's take a look. Why, it's America! How about that? Education here sucks. I swear I learn more curse words in school than actual school work! The homework and lessons are overwhelmingly large, and the tests are unprofessionally made. The SAT scores are lower than they've ever been. Some teachers teach very unprofessionally, using class time to talk about their personal lives. The text books are heavy and inconvenient to carry, yet the schedules are set up so that you have about two chances to get to your locker, and for people like me, whose lockers are in the smack middle of traffic, visiting your locker is about as safe as standing in front of a stampeding bull herd, so putting away books is not an option. Online textbooks are hard to access, and the internet is slow after school, so anything involving the text book must be done using the actual text book. The school squanders money on unnecessary additions while tightening the budget that teachers use to obtain supplies for class. There are two giant flat plasma screens in the hallways, although they are ignored by 100% of the student body. Instead of using money for these things, could the school afford to lose a TV and spend it on, oh I don't know, GOOD NUTRITION!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't trust the school food. It's just... UGH! I'll eat the macaroni and the sandwiches, but if it's meat, I'm not touching it! Trust me; I'm way too young to die, and that meat... Am I crazy, or does it move? I don't know if it's a trick of the light, but I'm sure I saw a chicken nugget squirm once. Of course, there's also the timing of my lunch. Fifth and sixth grade lunches are timed at around twelve o'clock, so they have normal diets, but seventh grade is at the end of the day, so you're starving by the time you actually get the food. You're allowed a snack, but the teachers are so picky about what you can and cannot eat, so ninety percent of the kids don't actually get to eat the snack. Then, there's the eighth grade lunch. I EAT RIGHT AFTER BREAKFAST! It's at ten o'clock, so if I eat, I feel bloated, but if I don't eat, I'm starving by the time I'm on the bus. Okay, well, that's all I can rant about right now, because everything else I want to say would get me seriously grounded, but you get the idea! ;3

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 24, 2010 ⏰

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