Chapter Eleven

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My eyes opened using all of my might. I was exhausted, physically. I rubbed my eyes and hauled myself up out of bed. I was so confused. I glanced at the clock, it was 7am.

I couldn't remember why I was tired.

In fact I couldn't even remember what I had done last night..

Slowly it dawned on me what I had done. I peered beneath my bed and sure enough there was an empty bottle of Tommo's finest liquor, with it's hidden twist.

I knew what this meant. I only took this sort of precaution in an emergency that endangered myself, and others that I cared about. I pulled on a shirt and some black jeans, before storming over towards my wardrobe and shoving a handful of clothes into a suitcase.

I hauled it down the corridor, thumping my fists onto the large oak door at the entrance of Louis' quarters.

After no answer, I knocked loudly once more.

"Alright, alright do you have any idea what fucking time it is." He groaned, swinging open the door.

After noticing it was me, he sighed and dropped the gun that I knew he was holding behind the door.

"I swear to God Harry, you better have a good excuse for this." He rubbed his eyes.

I barged past him, walking into his bedroom.

A girl screamed and covered herself up with the bed sheets. I looked away, glancing at Louis with a humorous look.

"You can go now babe, thanks again." He chuckled, holding the door open for her as she sighed and walked out, covering herself with a coat.

"I'd recommend her to you Harry but I can't remember her name." He remarked, sitting beside me at the edge of his bed.

"It's fine, I have a more pressing matter. I need to leave, and fast. I woke up with this." I handed him the empty bottle, watching his expression alter from a cheeky smile to a serious frown.

"But if you drank this, that means something happened last night that-"

"Yes I'm aware of that. I need to leave, not for long but to distance myself from whatever happened. I need to know if there's any missions away from London."

Tommo stood up, he knew not to question or deny me this, it was the safest thing to do. I followed him towards his office.

After five minutes of flicking through countless files, he leant off his desk and handed me a file fit with a brief, located in Paris. It's just what I needed.

"Styles, take someone with you, please." He crossed his arms, looking broody.

"I can't, I need to be alone." I grabbed my bag, and began to close the door.

"Oh and don't ask any questions about last night, I obviously didn't want to know for a reason."

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