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Sometimes I stand or sit watching people around me, moving in a rhythmic pattern, step by step. Sometimes i watch people and think about what they may be thinking within that moment of time. I watch People walk around avoiding short conversations that eventually turn awkward and inconvenient.

People walk around trying to be as normal as possible even though normal doesn't exist and if it did life would be dull and boring.

People walk around with small grins smacked on their faces trying not to let anybody catch a glimpse of the emotions that slowly creep down their faces at night. A tissue scrunched in one hand and a spoon gripped in the other which will scoop up their favourite flavoured ice-cream.

People walk around telling everybody that they are 'ok' but there is only one thing that's ok, and that one thing is that it's ok to be not ok. People don't have to hide but they just choose to. Choosing to hide how you feel and hiding all the emotions buried deep inside of you is hiding who you are.

Hiding who you are so people can think your "normal" is idiotic because then who can love you for who you are?..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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