-One Month Later {5}-

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-One Month Later {5}-

Maya's POV

I arrived at Devry University a couple weeks ago.

I wake up to music playing all the way.

"What the fuck Matty?? Turn the fucking music down?" I say getting out of the covers.

"No sugar pie." He replies.

Ok let me explain what Matty looks like and how we met: (Matty down below)

Ok let me explain what Matty looks like and how we met: (Matty down below)

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Matty and I have had a very weird relationship. We kinda have madeout a couple times. He has black swurvy hair that twirls up at the top of his hair, he's got brown eyes and he's pretty hot. Hotter then Josh. Actually I haven't heard from him.

Ok I'll tell you how Matty and I first met, and one of our moments:

I finally arrive to the university as I get out of my car, and walk inside to the office.

"Hi? I'm Maya Hart." I tell the office lady.

"Oh yes. Maya Penelope Hart. Here's your schedule and paperwork." She says handing me a key and my papers.

I walk out of the office and look for N 33.

I finally find it and unlock the door opening it, and see a guy I'm guessing is Matty fucking a girl.

I'm guessing she's a bitchy slutty girl who's half his age??

"Get the hell dressed and get out. Slut." I say dropping my stuff by my bed and shutting the door, as the girl gets up dresses with a sheet over her body and leaves. But she doesn't leave without giving me a dirty glare.

"Oh. Cry. Me. A. River. Your so pathetic. I bet in high school you slept around the whole football team right? Now leave." I say as she leaves and shuts the door behind her as the guy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Probably to take a shower. He reeks.

I lay down playing on my phone for a little bit.

"So you must be Maya?" Matty says coming out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Holy shit. He's got a eight pack. Omg. Ok focus.

I put my phone and say,

"Yeah. So what? Matty right?" I say as he just smirks and walks over to me.

"Mmmm... feisty. I like feisty girls." He says and pushes down on my OWN bed.

"Let me guess? Your the typical bad boy slash player?" I ask annoyed.

"Maybe." He smirks and then starts kissing me.

"Get the hell of me manwhore." I say....(end of that story)

(A couple days ago before now)

I'm walking in the hall on a Saturday morning, when I'm pulled into a room.

"Matt?" (I call him Matty) I ask confused.

"Sshhh." He whispers putting his hands on my cheeks and leans in kissing me I pull away.

"What the hell? Why me?"I asks slapping him and sitting down a chair, as he locks the door.

"I need a rebound right now ok? I'm having a bad day with Lindsey." (Lindsey is his on and off again girlfriend the one I caught him fucking on the first day I came here)


"Because. Don't you have a boy back home who drives you crazy and he broke your heart or something?" He asks.

And that makes me think of Josh, all the memories of us come flooding back. He only wanted to be friends he didn't even try to get me back. A fear slips down my cheeks as I look away after he sits beside me.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I reply wiping my tears.

"Come on. Please. I want to know. Why are you so tough? Can you please tell me?" He asks bribing me grabbing my chin and moving it towards him so he can see me.

"Fine. But only because Darcy and I are in another fight." I reply.

"I might as well tell you the whole story...."

When I was only six, my parents were fighting again, so I climbed out of my window and found an open window,
I climbed in and met Riley one of my best friends. We have been best friend ever since. I met Josh a week later my childhood crush, and well he kissed me I thought he was prince. Blah blah. Anyways I fell for him instantly. And well we got super close. I admitted my feelings to him at a college party. He's three years older then me btw. And he admitted his feelings to me when I turned fourteen. We promised to play the 'long game' and he slept with me when I was fourteen and left the next day didn't come back till I turned eighteen I finally forgave him and well I left and well yeah so let's not talk about that anymore."

"Ok. Let's go to sleep." He says as we leave and go to the dorm and go to sleep.

Did I seriously just tell him about Josh, my childhood crush?? Am I falling for Matty Dixon???

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