Chapter 1

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I head towards the high school I attend. I know what my parents have been through we learned about it in school. Panem is now back to being called North America and we live in Utah. My parents have no reason to worry about my siblings and I's safety but I know mom still worries deeply that the Games will return and we will not be safe and that they would do anything in the games to kill us the children of Katniss and Peeta Mellark. That's a long shot we all tell her but she of course is stubborn and won't believe us. Our family will never be torn apart dad wouldn't let it.
When I get to school Rye, Azalea and I go our separate ways I head towards my grade twelve gym class, Rye heads off for grade eleven science and Azalea heads of to her elementary school which is just beside our high school. I walk into the change room and almost everybody looks at me.

"Finally you're here Will." Says Nicky. "What took so long?" Asks Paige. "Did your siblings not want to leave again?" Asks Katrina. "Did your mom try to keep you at home again because of her not thinking school is safe?" Asks Hailey. "Nah got stuck in the snow as we were trying to leave." I answer. "That's... great." Says Nicky sarcastically.

We head into the gym and start to warm up ourselves. I stop short as my boyfriend wraps his arms around me and kisses me. He lets me go and we both warm up together. Soon after the game starts a few girls are sent to the nurse because of them being hit in the head by the ball. Two are gonna either have a concussion or they'll just be bruised badly. And Katrina was one of those girls. And I know for a fact she's gonna have a concussion because she's pretty weak but not judging she's a great friend and person.

I walk home after school with Rye and Azalea they walk ahead of me talking about Rye's girlfriend who I've never met. I have been checking my phone every five minutes to see if anyone has texting me. But none have come. Once we get to the house Azalea turns on the tv and the news is on talking about the Hunger Games making a comeback. This cannot be happening, they can't be back Rye, Azalea and I are in trouble Rye in particular will most likely be the male going in. Out of Azalea and me I'll be the one going in more than likely. Mom did have something to worry about and this is it.

I leave the house and head off to Paige's house, she always knows how to make me feel safe even when I'm not. She's the best friend you could ever ask for. Besides we've been friends since kindergarten. Longest friendship I've ever head others ended because they were bullies, liars and other unmentionable things. But Paige stayed by my side and she always will.

I walk up to the door and knock after a few seconds her mom answers. "Willow, what're you doing here? You know it's not safe for you to be outside nor is it safe for your family. You are all in trouble. Peacekeepers will be coming back and if your family is seen acting out well sweetie you might not even have a family to go home to. I'm sorry if this upsets you Willow but it's the truth peacekeepers are evil and if they ever heard me speaking like this I'd be dead." Says, Kelsey Hamilton. "I understand mrs Hamilton, I'm sorry if I'm putting you guys at risk for coming over but I wanted to talk to Paige, but if it's that much trouble I can go home. It's just she always knows how to make me feel safe in an unsafe environment. So if I could just talk to her quickly I would really appreciate it." I say. "Yes of course you can talk to Paige but she isn't home yet Willow, so you'll have to wait a little bit for her." She says.

Once Paige gets home she immediately sits down beside me and we talk for hours. By the time we're done it's almost midnight.

"I should probably get home, thanks for talking with me Paige." I say. I get up and walk home feeling uneasy. When suddenly a tall male figure comes out of the shadows. "Hey Willow." Says Jacob one of my friends. "I saw you walking alone and thought I should walk with you. You know because it's late and you never know who could be out right now, you know that right or do you have a death wish Will?" He says. "No Jake I don't have a death wish I was talking to Paige at her place goof." I say. "Yeah well people will be looking for you more than likely and going and staying out this late will definitely not have the odds be in your favor, you realize that Will." He says. "Yeah I get that Jake but why would they go after me I'm not worth it, im just some girl no one cares much about except my close friends, no one outside my classes have ever heard of me, so how will they know to look for me?"I ask. "You look like Katniss they can easily mistake you for her remember that Will." He says. "Okay Jacob I get it, I'm at risk for being an idiot and the child of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Thanks for the friendly reminder Jacob." I reply. "Don't take it to heart Will and yes I know you take everything to heart but I'm worried about my friend. Can I not be worried about you? Can I not want to protect you Will?" He asks. "Yes you can worry and yes you can protect me but I'm not one to immediately be open to the idea of being seen as weak." I tell him.

Once I get home I change and go straight to bed.

A/N: So this is chapter one of Torn I hope it was worth the wait and I hope you enjoyed it. Comment and Vote. Bye. ~WRevamped💜

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