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Riddle me this, Have you ever heard of those firecrackers that you could throw to the ground when you were a child. They would pop loudly, making everyone jump. That's what that noise you heard was, a little genius engineering. Any glasses I gave out tonight, along with my fellow servers had decorations on the bottom of them. Tied together with what I call virtual rope. The string gets weaker as the night goes on, when the rope falls it releases these little poppers, making them fall to the ground, which sounds like shotguns. Genius right?

Therefore, while everyone was taking cover, I disappeared to change into my Enigma costume. My phone took ahold of the entertainment, setting up center stage for me. As I change, riddles start to flash around the room (from the boxes located throughout the hall) Most of them were nonsense, some very dark humored to scare the Bats. Not all of them were faulty, some were about betrayal, lies, death and identity. Giving Bruce a preview of tonight's festivities. I controlled the security, which Mr.Wayne gladly provided to keep me in check. I locked everyone in. Everyone except Tim, my maze runner, who will play a key part later on.

"Welcome All!" I smile, flipping off the rafter on the stage. "Anyone care for a riddle?" I tease, mocking my father if he was listening. I glare into the news cameras.. "Come on! Don't you want a riddle, I am told people love the foolish things."

A shaky camera person nods, making me smile. I tilt my head, pointing to Bruce before he could get away."Come on up, don't be shy Mr.Wayne. I am sure you've met enough of us to know, we don't bite." I tap my chin, "Oh yes, the riddle you're waiting on. See as my father is overly attached to them- Hi Pops- I am more intrigued by mysteries. In case you can not tell due to my name. Riddles are boring, give you too many clues. Only a fool asking to go to Arkham would do such thing." I see Rachel's eyes widen as I keep speaking. Oh I never told her I was going to diss my father in the middle of all this, probably pissing him off as well. Whoops. Hopefully his response team won't kill me before this is over.

All the lights were on Bruce and Richard, cameras too for that matter. No way they could whisper anything to their Oracle without the nation seeing it. This was some special effect, as my friend Rachel slipped a device in their pockets long ago that keeps the lights focused on them. "Come on you two, don't dottle, I would like you two to get up here before Batman and Nightwing do." The words left my mouth with a tone that made Bruce cringe. I could seee the rage flicker on his upper left eyebrow. Awe, the perks of knowledge.

"And if we don't?" Richard Grayson says, crossing his arms. He did not see a weapon, or even a threat of a young teenage girl.

"I am sorry, did I forget to mention. You guys are all players of my mystery night right now, some of your guests have a bomb in their hands. The glassware, I would not let it go of those cocktail glasses if you're holding one. Could detonate if you release it, I had no time to perfect those things." The crowd started to become nervous at my words.  "I am pretty sure your date there is holding one...perhaps she might test it by letting go?" Rachel gets a nervous look on her face, like we planned. Nightwing knew me and Rose were friends, but not that we knew each other out of character. This part was to make her look innocent to all of this. Luckily neither Bruce or Richard knew of it being false. They approached the stage.

"Don't worry, all the doors are locked because Mr. Wayne is nice enough to electronically modernize his home." I taunt as the two get up on stage. "A hacker's dream really."

"Enigma." Bruce glares at me as he sits down.

"That's my name, right Mr.Wayne." I grin, "Please, if you wish take a seat... I know this experiment of mine might take a while."

"Experiment?" Grayson tilted his head, like expected neither Wayne nor Grayson took a seat.

"Alrighty, you all ready to learn something for once in your foolish lifes? My experiment is to discover where is the Bat? Simple enough. You know Batman always rescues you all. Drop the timer please..." Acting like I am working with more than just myself right now, a electronic clock is flashed on the ceiling. "You see, I have this timer set up here and with every ding something bad happens tonight, oh but that is really so cliche, no mystery at all. I hate boring things. The fun part is that Mr. Wayne here will be the last to die, unless the Batman shows to take me back to Arkham."

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