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The Ride Home

Everyone was ready to go home it was about 1:45a and they knew the club would be closing so they decided to leave a little early to beat the rush.

“I haven’t enjoyed myself like this since… ,shit ever” Tracy  said out loud.

“we know that’s why we wanted you to get out the house and hang out cause we KNEW you would enjoy yourself” Reese added.

“…yea I had lots of fun with all of you tonight too even though my friends flaked on me! I’m bout to head back home in a few minutes does anybody need a ride,  I’m going over towards Fillmore?” Chris asked willingly.

“I live in that area if you really want to I would take you up on your offer” Tracy  said shyly.

“yea  no problem” Chris said with a slight smile

“are you sure Tiff?” Jess asked” because we could give you a ride back”

“yes  I’m sure Jess plus it will save a trip for you, you already got two stops, thank you, but since Chris is headed my way it only makes since to get a ride from her” Tracy  said confidently but she was so nervous cause she didn’t know what to expect once they were alone. She never in her life thought of being with another woman, but the thought of it tonight wasn’t scaring her one bit. She found Chris so attractive but wasn’t sure if it was jus the liquor  or true emotions either way she wanted to know more about Chris!

“okay girl call me when you get in” Jess said and got in the car with Ericka and Reese…as they drove off Tracy  and Chris was left alone walking to the car which was parked a block away.

Tracy ’s heart beat faster than anything, she thought she would have a nervous break down, but she felt a little more relaxed when Chris opened her mouth and asked ”so how long have you known your girls for? ”

“for about  five, six  years. how long have you known  Reese ?”Tracy  asked relaxed.

“I’ve known Reese for like a year in a half almost two years she’s cool person really laid back. I’m so hungry after all that dancing,  do you know what’s open at this time?” Chris asked.

“…ummm I can only think of Ihop I mean it is 2 in the morning” Tracy  responded.

“oh yeah, ok cool, pancakes is one food I could never turn down, I’ll go after I drop you off… unless you want to go with me the choice is yours ”Chris said looking at Tracy  in the eyes. At this point they were in the car in Chris 2010 dodge four door black paint black tinted window charger.

“sure I will go with you, I could eat ”  

As they were listening to 106.1 kmel late night slow jams, SWV weak came on the radio .”this is one of my all time favorite songs” Tracy  said as she was singing along. ”yea mines too” Chris added and turned up the volume. When Chris wasn’t looking, Tracy  slightly turned her head and started checking Chris out again, from her full lips, and the way she licked them to the way she drove her car. She noticed how she had a very laid back demeanor, and that was very attractive to Tracy . this must be the alcohol, Tracy  thought.

“so what do you do on your spare time?” Chris turned and asked. Tracy  wondered if she realized she was staring at her, “I’m a fashion designer,I dress manikins,I dress models, and also starting to design my own clothing line ” “oh, that’s whats up, you doing BIG things” Chris replied. ”what about you” Tracy  reversed the question. “well as you know I work with Reese,I’m the assistant manager of Tru Clothes, I just make sure everybody’s job gets done.“ “Including Reese she likes to flirt with the costumers”she laughed and said.

As the pulled into Ihop parking lot they realized it was almost 2:30a. “man time really flies when you’re enjoying yourself” Chris blurted out. “yea It does” Tracy  agreed.

They got inside and a waiter showed them to their table, it was empty anyway, there was no problem finding a table  at 2:30 in the morning. Both of them already knew what they wanted and  went on and ordered, while the waiter was still there.

“were ready to order” Tracy  said to the waiter

“okay what would you like mam?” the waiter asked

“I‘ll take the strawberry buttermilk pancakes hold the whip cream please and sausage and eggs… oh and a coffee” Tracy  requested.

The waiter turned to Chris and said “and what about you sir, what will you be having” she gave a slight laugh and politely said, ”I’m not a SIR, I’m a lady, and I‘ll  the samething except I want whipped cream on mines” she turned to Tracy  and said “ that’s the best part”

The waiter pleaded “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I thought you were a…” Chris cut him off and said, “its fine, don’t worry”.

“I‘ll  be back shortly with your order” the waiter said.

“thank you” Tracy  said with appreciation. It was a awkward silence for a few moments.

” Wow can you believe that guy? he turned almost as red as my shirt” Tracy  asked.

“yea I saw that too, its fine though that happens to me a lot I’m use to it” Chris said with her head down, then lift it and said,”I’m a woman and proud of it just because I wear guy clothes doesn’t mean I’m trying to be a guy, its just what I’m comfortable in. I embrace my woman hood, so for those that mistake me for a guy I respectfully correct them”

Tracy  just sat there in amazement to how strong Chris was about herself. she wasn’t the “TYPICAL LESBIAN” she thought she was. They sat and talked laughed and learned a little bit about each other.Time seemed to be moving fast,no one kept track of it 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2012 ⏰

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