Hidden Within

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On my thirteenth birthday, I was in my room just like any other ordinary teenager. I was waiting for my friends from school to come until I heard a loud thump and my mom's high pitched voice filling the apartment with fear. My mom always warned me that if anyone strange comes into the house that I should run for my life and that is exactly what I did. I opened the window in my room and the wind swooped in lungs and filled me with energy but also a chill. I looked back hoping my mom will come to run with me but I did not hear her after her scream. Our apartment is on the second floor which is only about a six meter drop down. Suddenly, I hear my door squeak open like a mouse. I saw its face. It was a bloody red face with fangs and eyes that looked like a yellow full moon. He was dressed in a police uniform probably to fool my mom to get him inside. I saw my mom's blood dripping from the demon's face and I took that as my queue to jump. I couldn't face looking at that demon's face not only because it was hideous but because it was also that face of my mom's killer. My thoughts raced like they were on a marathon, as I fell downward. One question constantly reappeared in my head over and over again: What did my parents hide from me? Right as I thought of this question, I experienced a memory that was playing in my head.

I saw my mom and dad talking about something in the apartment we lived in when I was no more than 1. I could hear so I got closer. They could see me like I was some kind of ghost. As I got close enough, I started to hear their conversation. "She is too young" my mom explained "When she turns thirteen, she will realize what is going on".

I saw her eyes starting tiring with that thought. "I will have to stop them before they get to you and Lily. She needs a mother to take care of her, that's why I will distract them while you and Lily run" my dad explained to my mom in a clear honey voice.

"I can't let you go, James" my mom told my dad.

"You would have to let me go, Emma. I will always be with you"

"How will we explain her powers to Lily when she turns thirteen?"

"When time is right you will know what to tell her. Now get Lily and get out of here before they come" Then I saw my mom run up to my dad and they shared their last and final kiss that they would ever have together. After the kiss, my parents parted their ways. My mom headed toward a baby crib and my dad towards our apartment's door. Then I started to fade out of the memory.

I wanted to know more. I wanted to know what happened on from that point but, I knew I couldn't have the memory come back to me.I couldn't understand why the demons just happen to only attack my family out of all the families that are in New York. Then I remember what my mom said about me. Do I actually have a power inside of me? I wanted to find the hidden messages that the memory tried to tell me but I just couldn't find anything. I felt like the fall lasted forever as I thought of what this memory tried to tell me until I hit the snow inside the open garbage can.

My whole body was in a shock when it hit the soft icy snow. The shock was soon washed away by the feeling of fear and despair to run. "I had to run" I told myself "Or more of these creatures will come to get you". These words melted the barrier that kept me from running and filled me with the fear of there being more of these demonic creatures. I didn't want to see what will happen to me if I come face to face with another one of them. I got up and started running for my life.

I saw that the murder of my mother had a police car parked in front of our apartment so that the passers with think that he is part of the police. I ran straight through central park and into a dark alley. Fear filled me when I saw a car parking right behind me blocking me from escaping. The car's door open and right in front of my very eyes stood my mother's murder along with his bloodcurdling companions on his sides. Step by step, they walked slowly closer to me. Their mouths grinning with their fangs dripping the blood of their previous victims. "You can never escape us, Lily Griffin" the demon that killed my mom said cunning. I tried calling for my parents to help me fight these monsters but they didn't help me and the demons just came closer. I didn't know what to do so I put my arms in a cross with my palms facing the demons. That is when I saw light sparkling from the palms of my hands that were pointing towards the demons. That is when I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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