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That's how it was. Everything was frozen. The statues of past avatars, caked with mold and dust, seemed to be watching the room. Their stone eyes all looking to the very center of the area.

They watched the silhouette of the two slumped girls engrossed in a frozen coma. Both clad in orange and yellow airbender garments, with hands intertwined.

The stone avatars seemed to be protecting the girls as they slept. Their sleep had lasted a hundred years, starting when the Avatar left the air nomads and everybody was wiped out.That fateful day, the fire nation soldiers had swept through their village, setting fire to the huts, killing everyone in sight. It had been a ranging bending battle between Fire and air.

Then there were the twins, who had been quietly eating the sweets they had earned in celebration of their 13th birthday. Seated within the temple, both unaware of the chaos occurring outside

*100 years earlier*.

"We are finally of age!" Essence uttered excitedly as crumbs edged her mouth. Her sister gave a silent smile, but spoke no words. It seemed that Eternity never talked. Essence had only heard her speak rarely and was most likely the only human ever to hear her speak.

Essence didn't mind much. She did the talking for them both.

"I can't wait to meet him!" Essence said smiling down at her plate. Her hands were busy at work, unpeeling a wrapper off of a chocolate.

Eternity looked up in suprise. She knew exactly who her sister was talking about, but she had assumed that Essence knew he had run away.

"Essie, he's gone. The monks informed the tribe he had run away. Do you not remember the elders recruiting men to look for him?" Eternity asked her, using Essence's childhood nickname.

Essie glanced up, from her spot at the table. She was a little startled at her sister's choice to talk, but more so at her words.

"The Avatar wouldn't leave his duties. I think these berries are getting to your head." replied Essie. She fumbled with the edge of the table cloth nervously. The Avatar had been Essie's idol. She always imagined a handsome young Airbender with amazing abilities who would protect her. Being an airbender herself, she was ecstatic to learn that the Avatar had been produced from her element. She about died with glee when her and her sister were informed that they would be granted permission to meet the young boy on their 13th birthday.

None of the nomads had ever laid eyes on Aang, other then the Monks; and twins were about to become the first girls to met him.

Essence had granted Aang every inch of her trust from the day she heard about him. She had boasted about the opportunity to her friends. Eternity simply shook her head. None of the other kids had been granted the privilege to talk to him, other then the twins. Neither girl knew why they had been given the opportunity, although each had their own ideas.

Essence thought they had been allowed to meet him, simply for the reason of her raging crush and admiration of the Avatar. Eternity was far more reluctant to meet him, as she trusted little to no one. Essence was the one person she trusted, simply because she was her sister and had always been their for her.

Eternity was consumed with mixed feelings when she was informed of the meeting that was to occur. Ideas plagued her mind of why the monks wanted the twins to be associated with the avatar. They knew things about the twins that the girls didn't know, and Eternity knew this. She wanted to learn more about herself, that was the only reason she agreed to the meeting. Se assumed that the Aang might know something she didn't. Like why the girl's airbending skills were so powerful, or how Essence had freezed a basin of water and Eternity had light candles without a match. These strange events were always floating through Eternity's mind and she hoped the meeting with the Avatar would explain them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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