Lightning Rider (Excerpt Only) - Chapter 6

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LIGHTNING RIDER by Maree Anderson


Jake spotted Andie, and stopped dead in the doorway. He could feel his face splitting into a broad grin as he drank in the sight of her. Hell, he didn't care if he looked a right fool. All he cared about was that she'd emerged from the dark place that'd sucked her down and leached the life from her.

"Yeeeeeeha!" he yodeled, punching the air. "She's awake!"

Her head snapped up and her eyes flashed hot emerald fire at him, like she'd flay the skin off his bones given half a chance. And then she recognized him. Her eyes went all enormous-like and her entire face softened into a smile that robbed him of breath.

Whoa. Now there was a welcome that'd knock the stuffing outta any red-blooded man. And, sweet Lord, it was all for him.

His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his chest. Damn, but he was falling hard for her. Again.

"How're you feeling, sugar?" he finally managed to ask through a mouth gone dry. He hadn't felt this inept around a girl since high school. Not to mention the first time he'd spotted Andie.

"Fine. Just tired."

She looked great—still a mite pale round the gills, but that was by the by. Animated and alive, her hair crackling around her face like each strand was electrically charged, her eyes bright with some strong emotion.... A-thousand-percent improvement over yesterday.

Ever since he'd glimpsed her that one time six years ago, he'd never been able to forget her. And God, even after everything she'd recently been through, she was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

"You look wonderful," he said.

Her pale cheeks bloomed pink and she ducked her head. "Thanks."

Jake's world narrowed until there were only two people in the room who mattered: him and Andie. Shit. Six years. Six damn years wasted. If only he'd gotten his shit together and raced outside to introduce himself. If only he'd stayed in Moab, gotten to know her....

Things might've been a whole lot different. But Jake had never been one to dwell too long in the past—well, except for all those nights he dreamed of the rain-soaked beauty who'd captured his heart and soul.

Andie ending up on the same Slickrock Bike Trail tour he'd signed up for had been fate, pure and simple. So it'd been no surprise to Jake that they'd shared a connection, something powerful and real. And after so nearly losing her, seeing her awake, healthy, looking so goddamn beautiful it stole his breath, was a gift beyond price.

"It's 'bout time you woke up, sugar. Been sittin' here, day in day out, waiting for you to smile at me and give me the thanks I'm due." Jake registered the tension in Andie's body and cut his gaze to her visitor.

Huh. Get a load of those designer duds. Must be some big-shot hospital specialist.

"And what thanks might those be, exactly?" Mr. City-Slicker Specialist with the high-falutin' accent got down off his high-horse to ask.

"'Scuse me?"

"The thanks that you appear to believe you're due."

Jake laughed. "Oh don't you worry 'bout Miss Andie over-exerting herself, sir." His daddy'd taught him to always be respectful and mind his manners—even if the other person's attitude did grate. "I don't expect more'n a kiss on the cheek from my girl, here." He winked at Andie. "But I remain ever hopeful."

"Is that so."

What the heck was Slick's problem? Other than being an overdressed, uptight, big-city-type, that is. Seemed more'n likely the guy'd left his sense of humor in his other suit—if he'd ever owned a sense of humor, which Jake doubted. Slick didn't look like he smiled much. Or maybe those fancy shoes of his were pinching his feet. Dry as a dust-bowl in the desert and twice as unpleasant. What a prince.

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