Chapter 22- Energy

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Talia's POV

There was something comforting about the dome I was unsure whether it was dangerous but I made it this far, and with the familiarity radiating mysteriously of it, something peaceful, inviting, I was slowly reaching for it before delicately touching it with my index finger, a ripple of light expanded slowly over the dome, slowing down as I pulled my finger away, I could feel a change in the atmosphere around me, something,  like a residue almost, full of energy, that was released before there was a rush and it was all absorbed back into the dome.

I stood frozen still for a second, taking in what had just happened.

There was this sound that was in the background, whether it only started now, or I only just noticed it now. I don't know. It was whispers, it was all quite ominous. the voices were seemingly coming from the  dome, or from within it.

"Come closer"

"join us"

They kept repeating it, along with other words, trying to persuade me to follow them , go with them where ever they were, and it was working. As I neared the dome I started to fade, I was fading into the dome of light. I could feel a pull on either side, like a tug of war in which I was the rope. Then the realisation hit me, these were my ties to each world, the material world and the spirit world.

My family in one world, and my spirit friends in the other.

A world where only my parents and older brothers, one of which I haven't seen in a while, like me or a world where I'm welcome, where I actually have friends and they enjoy my company. One world where my sister is mean to me another where there are no spiteful comments thrown around at me, a world where I can be at peace.

If I let myself go to the pull of the spirits, I'll only be missed by a few people, only family, I have no real future, I'm only the Avatar's freak daughter. I could easily return by meditating, or leaving the way I came, dad could meditate into the spirit world and talk to me as well, i'll be surrounded by all my spirit friends and I could make more.

I let go...

and I faded into the spirit world.

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