Chapter 5

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(Meanwhile on the bus with Prince,Prod,Ray,Briya ,Nyashia ,and Kierra)

Ray: So we never got yall real names

Briya&Nyashia: We kno!

Prod: Can we kno??

Kierra: suree....Im Kierra

Sabriya: Sabriya

Nyashia: Nyashia

Kierra: da rude 1 is Makaia.....

Prince: Speaking Makiyah and Roc we-(he was cut off)

Makaia: *walks onto tour bus* Its Makaia and im rite here

Roc: *walks onto the tour bus smiling*

Kierra: Sweety, Im not tryna b rude but y do u have lipstick all over ur face...

Makaia: *looks at Roc* Well, as u should kno Roc nd I r together and he may hav kissed me once or twice

Nyashia: uhhmmmmm *rolls eyes*

Makaia: U mad bruhh??

Nyashia: Not a chance trust meh I'm Team P all daii!!

Sabriya: *daps Nyashia*

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