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1) Hikumano

Name: Logan Hikumano
Age: 12
Grade: 6th
Personality: Smart, Adventurous, Kind, Outgoing
Appearance: Dark Green Shirt and Hoodie, Black shorts and Black shoes, black, smooth hair, brown eyes, brown skin
Digimon: Terriermon
Digivolution Route: Zeriermon, Gummymon, Terriermon, Gargomon, Rapidmon, MegaGargomon
Digivice: Green digivice in the picture

2) Hikuma

Name: Kylie Hikuma
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Grade: 6th
Personality: Bubbly, Nice, Smart, Kind
Appearance: Dark Brown hair with light shade of brown features in it that sometimes covers her right eye, Light orange shirt with an orange skirt, dark brown boots, lighy brown skin, black eyes
Digimon: Patamon
Digivolution: Poyomon, Tokomon, Patamon, Angemon, MagnaAngemon, Seraphimon
Digivice: Yellow digivice in the picture

3) Kumana

Name: Christian Kumana
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Grade: 6th
Personality: Adventurous, Athleric, Smart, Kind
Appearance: Light blue shirt with black pants, tan skin, dark mocha hair, black eyes, blue shoes with a black outline
Digimon: Gaomon
Digivolution: Dodomon, Waynamon, Gaomon, Gaogamon, MachGaogamon, MirageGaogamon
Digivice: Blue digivice in the picture

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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