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"The Hydra camp is in Krossberg. It's up between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind." Peggy explained, sitting across from Steve and I. I was dressed in different attire. Similar to what the soldiers wore but more to my fitting along with a helmet strapped on my head.

"We should be able to drop you around the doorstep." Howard says from the front of the plane. He owed me a favor and I knew he could pilot so he was flying us.

"Just get us as close as you can." Steve told him. "You know, the two of you will be in a lot of when you land."

"And you won't?"

"Where I'm going...pardon me, where we're going whenever someone yells at us we can just shoot them.

"And they will undoubtedly shoot back." Peggy says looking at me. I lightly patted the gun on my lap.

"well let's hope this thing is good for something." Steve knocks on is shield.

"It'll last 2 seconds." I commented.

"Agent Carter" Howard called back to her. "If you're not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Usurea for a late night Fondue." I shook my head. Steve and Peggy looked at each other.

"Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. He's mad enough to brave this air space." She told Steve. "We're lucky to have him." She says. I noticed the way Steve was looking at Howard and then at Peggy.

"So you two?" He began awkwardly gesturing to her and Howard. "Do you?Fondue?" My eyes widened, looking over at Steve.

"Steve." My voice was quick and somewhat hushed. Peggy ignored the question and handed him the transponder.

"This is your transponder, activate it when you're ready. And the signal will lead us straight to you." Peggy explained. "The both of you." She looked at me and I nodded.

"Are you sure this thing works?" Steve had asked Howard.

"It's tested more than you, pal." Howard remarked. Suddenly the whole plane shook as we were being shot at. Steve stood up and grabbed a parachute. I guess we are jumping.

"Get back here, we're taking you all the way there." Peggy exclaimed as Steve opened the door.

"I'm jumping this plane, turn this thing around and get the hell out of here." Steve ordered Peggy.

"You can't give me orders."

"The hell I can't I'm a Captain" Steve yelled over the wind and shots that were being fired. Steve leaped off the plane. I followed suit.

The air smacked against my face as I fell, grabbing the string I yanked it as the chute came out.


Running alongside Steve in the fog we stopped once spotting the entrance to the place where Bucky is being held captive.

"Get down" Steve quickly says as a trucks come. I squat to the ground behind a tree. After the last truck passes we stand up and run behind it. Jumping up we got in.

I looked forward and saw two men.

"Steve." I said. He looked frontwards.

"Fellas." He says as they lunge for us. I grabbed the man on the right, kneeing him in his jewels before punching him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Both men were thrown out of the truck. 

I waited behind Steve as he got his shield ready. Once the flap was up, Steve shoved it forward knocking the man back. Getting out we ran to their tanks. I noticed how one of them has a skull with tentacles connected to it.

Bucky's Girl ⇒ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now