Chapter 3

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Not yet edited, so sorry, please point out the mistakes that distract from the story!

This chapter seemed much longer than the first two while I was writing it....enjoy. 





You’re out of your mind, the voice of reason whispered in the back of my consciousness. I sighed, trying to keep the worry away. I knew I was acting impulsively, but I had nothing to lose. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

I glanced out the incredibly tinted window, trying to figure out where exactly we were going. Stores and warehouses whizzed by as Kaz effortlessly steered us through the streets of Detroit. There was some traffic, but he seemed to know exactly which route to take to avoid most of it.

We’d been in the car about ten minutes now, and it had been mostly silent. Kaz and Adam had exchanged a few murmured words but I had tuned them out, focusing on my own misgivings instead. 

“We’re about twenty minutes away,” Kaz said, his intense dark eyes meeting mine in the reflection of the rearview mirror. So it was a thirty minute drive, then. They were taking me far from the hospital. There was no turning back. I squirmed with nervousness, berating my think-before-acting nature.

Perhaps it was the blood in my system that made me act like this.

 Even to me, that sounded like a feeble excuse.

“Where are we going?” My voice was hoarse and evidently nervous. It was the first time I’d spoken since I recklessly climbed into the car with two indescribably handsome, unnerving strangers.

 “Patience is a virtue,” Adam cut in, interrupting whatever Kaz had been about to say. I scowled at him darkly, despite my unease. His careless and sardonic attitude was grating on my raw nerves.

 He ignored my stare, going back to doing something on his cell phone. Remembering belatedly that I had mine, I pulled it out. No missed calls yet…that was slightly surprising. Perhaps my father hadn’t returned to find me missing? The nurses evidently hadn’t checked on me in a while.

I would have assumed there was some way for the hospital to know if I wasn’t in the room, outside of going in there and seeing my bed noticeably empty. I was hooked up to machines, after all.

It was strange. They usually would have checked on me by now. Didn’t they have some way of knowing if their patients went wayward? I felt a trickle of suspicion but pushed it aside. There was no way Kaz or Adam could have anything to do with that..right?

 I remained silent for the rest of the ride, trapped within my own contemplation.

“We’re here,” Kaz finally said, interrupting my train of thought. The car slowed to a stop, the engine smoothly cutting off. Kaz unlocked the doors and opened his, and I quickly scrambled out of mine, feeling the urge to get some fresh air.

As soon as I saw where we were, I immediately wanted to get back in. We stood in front of an large, old, and indisputably creepy cemetery.

It was a decent size, surrounded by a rusted, iron-wrought fence. A narrow pathway stretched directly in front of us into the heart of the cemetery. It was mostly overgrown by grass and scraggly weeds. Nearby, directly over the path stood a crumbling stone archway. It must’ve been grand once, but now it looked unsafe, as if it would collapse on the first unwary traveler walking under it.

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