Chapter 3

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I DON’T KNOW WHY WE WENT RIGHT. I guess we just picked a random hall or something but there was no sign of Mira. The hall had occasional doors and it broke into rooms with equipment in it. In this particular room there was metal storage thing like a refrigerator with foggy glass doors. Vulpus used her hand to wipe away the fog. Her eyes went wide “Aimina look.” Aimina bent down and looked. There were rows and rows of the sterile needles that the scientists use to inject us with stuff. Each tube was labeled. Nite-vis. STATUS: Not guarantied, Venom STATUS: works on Shykun, Metal claws STATUS: In progress. I read some of the labels. When I looked at the handle I saw that above it there was a label that said: ENCHANCMENTS. “Aimina?“ Vulpus asked as I quickly went to the other side of the room reading each label on the door. I stopped when I read HYBRID. “Aimina?” Vulpus asked again. “You know how they mess with our genetics to make us into hybrids?” “Yeah” “Well one contains the DNA for it.” I wipped the fog away so I could read the labels. DNA: Snake STATUS: yes, DNA: Fox STATUS: yes, DNA: Wolf STATUS: yes, DNA: Frog STATUS: no. I looked at the two vials side by side one with red liquid and the other I couldn’t see because it was a black vile. Each label was wrapped around its own two vials. Soon the glass fogged up again. I looked at Vulpus who was staring at the vials. She looked up at me. “What to destroy it?” I asked. Vulpus shook her head “They have more and they’ll find us once there here the glass breaking.” I shrugged “True…”

We were exploring rooms that I broke into some had suits in them others had tables with restraits for experimenting on people. Our current room was lab. Derin was looking through a microscope. “Kuru what do you suppose this is? Blood cells?” Well I can’t see it with your head in the way!” I teased. “Oh right sorry..” Derin said and moved. I looked through it. It looked like ladders twisting. “Derin if that’s blood cells then I’m wild and free in a cage.” “Then what is it?” Derin asked pushing me away and looking through it again. “DNA” I answered then walked over to the cabinet above the microscope. When I opened it I saw clear containers that held the slides for the microscope. That was all so I closed the cabinet and looked back at the microscope. Derin was not there. “Kuru! Come Here!” Derin shouted. I glanced in the direction that his shout came from. A door across from the door we entered in was open. I sighed then went over to the door carefully avoiding stepping on stuff and hitting tables. When I looked through the door I saw cages upon cages of animals locked in them. Derin was on the floor with his hand in the cage of Mountain Lion. He was petting it and it was purring. Tears were forming in Derin’s eyes “It’s almost as bad as experimenting on people!” It would figure that he’s petting a mountain lion. I looked through a cage above the mountain lions a small cat stared at him. Its eyes were sad and it pointed its paw at the wall. “Derin I don’t think that all of these are animals or always was…” I said then looked at the wall that the cat was pointing at. It was nothing special. On one side there were cages on the other there was a table with a cabinet above it and needles to take blood or inject stuff into the animals. Or human animals. I turned back to the cat “I don’t see anything.” The cat rolled its eyes at me then pointed again. I looked back once more. Ah in the cabinet above the table there must be a key or something in it. I walked over to it. What was inside of it was cat food, dog food, snake food, you name it. In the one next to it there were more needles and a ton of crap I couldn’t even try to identify. One more cabinet over I found out was more like half closet half fridge. Meat was in a refrigerated drawer and there was a faucet thing that allowed you to get water from it if you place a cup or in this situation a bowl under it. In another drawer I found scissors, wire, locks with no keys, a pocket knife even. I took the knife and some wire. I laid them on the table. Derin came over and observed what I was doing with the thin metal wire “Where’d you find that?” Derin asked. While working I simply stated “Drawer.” I twisted the wire one way then tried to straighten it. Carefully I cut the wire then bent it once more. I held the metal contraption up. “Oh. Your going to try to free them.” “Yeah…” I walked over to the mountain lions cage. I knelt on the grating and tried to pick the lock. The mountain lion intently looked at what I was doing. I turned the wire key but it wouldn’t go. I turned it the other only to see that it wouldn’t go. Frustratingly I bent it once more and straightened it on the other side. My key thing looked like an L now. It was a 5 but the curve at the bottom was straight. This time when I put the bent end of the key in the lock we heard a soft click. I tested the door to make sure it was unlocked by pulling it out a bit. It opened slightly and the mountain lion pushed it open the rest of the way and leaped out. Derin and I had to jump out of the way to not get pounced on. When I saw his face it had a smile and his eyes watched the now free animal as it ran around the room. It pranced up to me and stared at me a look of thanks crossed its face. The mountain lion bowed its head down then got up and sat in the corner where the table was. “I think she was saying she’d fight for you.” Derin said as I worked on the cats cage. I nodded still concentrating. I moved to the side as the cat leaped out when it heard the click of the lock unlocking. We unlocked the rest and as we unlocked each one they would go by where the mountain lion sat and wait. They’re were plenty of animals and of different verities. There was a fox, a squirrel, and even a falcon that was chained down. I had to unlock the chains too but it was easy. Unlocking got easier after doing it a lot so I guess I’m a pro now or an adept. When they were all unlocked I turned to the cat “Can you help me find my friend?” The cat nodded its head and I held out a gray hair band. After smelling it the cat ran out of this room and through the next. Each of the animals followed us as we followed the cat out into the hall and back the way we came.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2012 ⏰

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