The Journey to New Lands

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The Journey to New Worlds (just a FYI my little sister came up with the title so don’t be mad), I hope you like it! I’m just really bored at school, so I write there, and copy what I write onto word. So hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the other animes/books/games that will be in this story!

In many different worlds there are many different people you will meet. But what would happen if your worlds were connected? And can be reached by a special person? What if that special person happened to be a boy who has messy brown hair with huge bright blue eyes, wearing a pair of black and yellow shoes, a pair of black baggy jeans with many zippers and extra leggings a black and white jacket with silver and yellow on it, with a pair of black, silver, and yellow gloves. Around his neck was a chain that had a metal crown.

But there are also others who can travel through the worlds as well, for there are creatures called Heartless, they come in many different forms. But there are three main types of Heartless. There’s the Pureblood, Emblem, and Gummi, Heartless. Pureblood and Emblem are the ones you see the most.

Their main job was to steal the hearts from others, who control the Heartless. They are the villains of our story. But for now, what we will worry about is our young Hero Sora, take on all the new worlds, and protect the fourteen princesses and save the worlds from the heartless.

(Normal POV)

In a room there were a group of people, there were seventeen people in total. The group talked about their plans. “Kingdom Hearts will be complete” one man said; he was wearing a black cloak, long gray hair and tan skin.

“An easy way to reach Kingdom Hearts is to get all of the princesses with the pure heart, which has no darkness in them.” A fair green skinned lady said, she had yellow eyes with a heavy shadow of violet make-up, her lips are painted red. Her head was topped with black-horned headdress and she was wearing a long, tattered black robe with a purple trim and maroon flare edges.

“Who are these princesses you speak of Maleficent?” the youngest looking boy in the room asked. His wavy brown hair falling into his blood read eyes. He had a tone of authority in his voice.

“Why, Kaname, there is Kairi, Alice, Snow White, Jasmine, Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora. There are also seven more Princesses which we have just found out about.” Maleficent replied without showing any emotion on her face or in her voice.

“Hey, hey, I say we find these princesses, now we know where the first seven are, but what about the other seven?” A man wearing a black robe asked; his skin was blue with blue fire as hair. His eyes were completely yellow except for his black pupils. He had very sharp teeth and an unnatural black mouth. His face was long and thin, with his chin jutting out abruptly. His fingers were long, thin and clawed.

“Now Hades, first we have to pin point them.” Maleficent said as she walked around the room. In the middle there was a green circle with a strange design on it. Maleficent used her magic to make it show many different people.

They each caught someone who they knew. “Why if it isn’t that little brat, oh what fun it will be to make that blue blur fall!” A man shaped like an Egg said with a crazy laugh.

“Oh shut up you egg shaped idiot!” A pirate said.

“Idiot, I’ll have you know that I have an IQ of 300! If anything you’re the ones who are idiots.” The man replied pointing at the Pirate. “By the way I am the Evil genius Dr. Eggman, don’t forget it Hook!”

The two begun to argue over it, until finally one look from Kaname they all shut up. “Both of you shut up.” He said it in a rather calm voice. Eggman and Hook froze in their spots as they turned to look at the young boy.

“Kaname, you shouldn’t let these fools get on your nerves.” An obese cecaelia said as she crawled past him and place her hands on his shoulder. He held a blank face and ignored the women; he kept his eyes on one person that was in the room, but not really in the room. It was a girl with short brown hair, with huge red eyes.

 “Oh, it seems our dear Kaname has his eyes on a princess. Watch out Vampire boy, if you fall in love with a princess it will make our plans a lot harder.” Oogie Boogie said as he looked over at Kaname.

He sent Oogie a glare which ripped a few of his strings. He pouted and sent Kaname a glare. “Oogie Boogie. It would be better if you don’t get on my bad side or you will lose more of your threads.” Kaname replied with a gold glare. He then gave a very sweet and handsome smile as he turned left the room.

“Why isn’t he scary? I would love to find out how a vampire’s brain works.” A man with a German accent said with a sly grin.

The man next to him rolled his eyes and shook his head, then followed Kaname’s example. “Please Dr. Hagen, now isn’t the time.”

“Right, right well then, let’s just go and make sure our princess is ready.” The two left talking about science stuff. Maleficent rolled her eyes and watched as everyone else left to do what they would normally do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2012 ⏰

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