Chapter 2

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Chap 2

Selenia's P.O.V.!

"GUYS!" I yell to Lexy, Justin, and Emma. "What!?!?" Emma yells back. The thing is, she was right next to my ear. "Wow, Emma, my EAR!" I said. "Well you yelled, what's up butter-cup?" She asked. "I'm in an arranged marriage, to," Lexy cut me off, "Ashton Kutcher?" She yells/asks. "No! Lexy this isn't a joke, and no Emma it's not Johnny Depp! It's...Arthur Bowen." I whimper. "ARTHUR!" Justin yells in my ear. "WHAT?!?!" he screams. "You freaking HATE Arthur!" He yelled once again in my ear. I'm going to be deaf by the end of the day. "GUYS! Stop screaming in my ear! Yes Justin, I hate the freakin midget, (A/N: No offense to any actual little people I mean midget in the form of a human turd, one of my friends is a little person so... ya.) but who knows we could fall in love and have kids. Never mind not gonna happen then I'd have to have to do inappropriate things with him." I laughed. "Selenia, you don't get the point do ya? The whole point is to have kids!" Lexy says. "Oh $h|t" I say. "Anyways, he'd probably cheat on me anyways so...ha, and what about divorce?" (A/N: I don't know if you can get a divorce in arranged marriage so I'ma say you can't.) "He cheats on you, you yell and I beat him up, still no divorce." Justin said. "I repeat, Oh $h|t." They all laughed. "I'ma hungry-a wanna go get pizza and watch Harry Potter-a?" Justin asked. "To watch Arthur, be scared as a kid whether he'll be in Slytherin or Gryffindor? HELL YEAH!" I scream happily.

Arthur's P.O.V.

"Ally I don't care if Leo is annoying you to tell you if we made out last night! Don't tell her!" I yelled through the phone. I hear the door open and shut, mom's home whoppee! Not. "Ally I gotta go, DON'T TELL LEO! Bye." I hung up. "Arthur, come down here please!" My mom yelled, gosh she's annoying. "Kay mom I'm commin'!" "Arthur Bowen! I told you to break up with that slut Ally a month ago! You will call her over here right now and break up with her!" paused and let me call her. She also calmed down, not a good sign. Also since you're now 18 we've arranged...we've arranged a marriage for you." She said nervously, what the hell was she nervous for, it's not like I beat her. I still did yell. "WHAT?!? TO WHO?!? IS IT LAURIE?!? WHY?!?" I told you I yelled. "An arranged marriage. To Selenia Hart. Who the hell is Laurie. Because...I don't know, we thought it'd be fun?" She answered calmly. "Plus why her?" I asked calming down. "Because you were best friends as kids." she said. "Yeah mom, WHEN WE WERE THREE!" I yelled a bit worked up. "Well you better get along soon because you two are getting married and that is FINAL! And dump Ally when she gets here!" my mom shrieked. Just then the doorbell rang I opened the door to reveal Ally, sluttier than usual in a slutty shirt that comes up to around the middle of her bra, and a skirt so that I could see her thong. Then she pulled me into the sloppiest kiss ever. My mom walked up behind me and I said, " Ally I'm breaking up with you, you're amazing but after last month I sorta didn't feel anymore magic, but I kept us going just to piss a certain person off, I'm sorry." I said not very honestly. I never felt any magic, she's not amazing, and I'm not sorry. Oh well. "ARTHUR! Leo will hear about this and you will be RUINED!" she shrieked, then turned around on her 6-inch slut heels and left. Damn that girl, is freakin' evil. Ugh and I have to get married to Selenia. My. Life. Is. A. Living. Hell.

A/N: 3 hours to write by hand...UGH! For all of you persistent readers, sorry I haven't updated but #1 I just got a new dog

#2 My teachers still haven't update my grades so I still have an F

#3 I suck at science

# I'm not even allowed to have wattpad but I do and my parents know

Okay ya and I have fourmissing assignments and so if I get 5 I get a detention.

MadiK123+detention= no computer. no computer= no update! also detention=no summer camp= no summer camp= cry cry= computer shorts out. short out= no update. R u following me vomment= vote and comment! OH and I already started 3 be happy!

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