Swears and tears

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I woke up, late at night, with the feeling that something was wrong. There were strange noises coming from the bed across from mine. I got up and padded softly over to where Baz's bed was. He was a warm lump in between the sheets. The noises stopped abruptly when he heard my footsteps, and I could tell he was pretending to be asleep. Because of the loud, obviously fake snores. They were so loud and fake that they were literally him yelling "Snore!" over and over.
"Baz. What the fuck?"
"Go back to sleep, Snow."
I sat down on his bed.
"You're sitting on my legs. Clumsy git." He mumbled, somewhat half-heartedly.
"I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong."
"You were crying!"
"Bloody hell Snow, pick another time to worry about me that isn't the middle of the night! And preferably doesn't involve us sitting in a little circle and talking about our feelings!"
"Why would I even suggest that?" I snorted.
"It's the sort of thing you would suggest."
"Sure." I said, not wanting to get into an argument with a grumpy Baz. He was difficult enough at the best of times. I inspected him in the light from the partially opened curtains. His sullen, sallow face looked even more so in the silvery light. His cheeks were hollow, and he seemed thinner.
"Haven't you been getting enough blood?"
"I'm fucking fine, Snow, why don't you just fuck off and go the fuck to sleep you fucking..."
"I swear that's the only swear word you know."
He blushes and throws a pillow at me.
"Fuck off, you fucking adorable idiot." I say to him.
"What is this, a competition over who can act the most like a twelve year old? Because, you've been winning for the past seven years." He says, and rolls over, and pretends to be asleep. I just sigh, and use my secret weapon.

Baz is incredibly ticklish.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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