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 An actions of an individual, million get judged,

Sentenced for something they never did,

A thousand get prosecuted for something they would never do

You look at me, an see the colour of my skin

not the colour of my heart, the innocence that lives in there

You hear what the media says, and make an image of how I am

of how I live my life, when it's no where near what I am, who I am

Don't judge me by the colour of my skin, by the way I talk, by the way i look

Look into my heart, see my mind, hear my thoughts,

Feel what I feel, hear what I hear, see what I see

and then you have the right to judge me


A/N Not one of my best work but this topic was on my mind and had to get it out there, so tell me what you think, vote/comment if you like it or have any ideas on how i could improve it :-)

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