Chapter Five: Learn Your Lesson

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3:42 pm, Capital Plaza Apartments, Jeff Davies' Apartment

Morgan rapped impatiently on the door and called, "Jeff Davies, FBI.  Open up."

They heard the click of the lock and then the door opened just enough for a man's head to peer out of the crack between the door and the doorframe.  "I already talked to the FBI," he snapped irritatedly.

"Good.  Then I'm sure you won't mind answering a few more questions," Morgan said, all business as he forced the door open enough for him and Prentiss to get inside.

Mr. Davies protested, but stumbled back enough to let them in, having no other choice.

"You have no right to be in here," the man quickly argued.

"We have suspect cause to believe that you lied to us.  That's interfering with a federal investigation, and it case you weren't aware, Mr. Davies, it's a crime," Prentiss accused sternly.

"W-why would I lie?" the man stammered.

"Because the man who made you knock on Spencer Reid's door early yesterday morning threatened to hurt your family if you told us what really happened," Morgan said.

"I-I don't have any family.  Even if someone had threatened me with that--and I assure you, I was not threatened--I would have told the police everything I know to help," Mr. Davies insisted nervously.

"Really?" Prentiss questioned, her disbelief evident in her sarcastic tone.

"Then what was it?  A bribe?  Blackmail?  We know you know something, Mr. Davies, and we have security footage to back it up.  We could take you in right now," Morgan bluffed.  They did have the security footage from Reid's apartment building, but it was very low quality and Garcia had yet to enhance the video in order to make out any faces or details. 

The man drew a shuddering sigh, sinking down onto the arm of one of his couches, dropping his face in his hands.  Morgan and Prentiss stayed standing in front of him, watching him apprehensively.

"Fine," Mr. Davies gave in, lifting his face from his palms, "The man blackmailed me.  I've been having," he paused, "I've been having an affair with a married woman that I work with.  It would ruin both our careers if anything came out.  I didn't think--I didn't think that man would actually hurt what's-his-name--"

"Reid," Morgan provided angrily, cutting in, but Mr. Davies just kept talking.

"--and he let me go so I didn't think anything of it until those other two agents showed up at my door yesterday," he explained gruffly, but then eyed Morgan and commanded, "You can't tell anyone about the blackmail."

"We shouldn't have to," Prentiss said, the words attempting to be reassuring but her cold voice was almost as much of a threat as the blackmail itself.

Prentiss and Morgan left, a startled Mr. Davies in their wake, and headed back to the BAU with more information to add to their profile of the man who had kidnapped and was most likely torturing one of their coworkers.

4:19 pm, BAU Office

Morgan and Prentiss walked into the BAU and Hotch rushed past, explaining, "We have another victim," on his way to the conference room, trailed by JJ and Rossi.

"Our second victim--actually, first victim, the body was dumped six days ago--" Garcia clarified before continuing, pointing the clicker at the screen, "Is Marcus O'Neal, also twenty-seven."  A portrait of a man with dark blond hair flashed up onto the screen, the Oxford and sweater he was wearing in the picture reminding them a lot of Reid.

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