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"PARTEYYYYY!!!!" I screamed as loud as my voice would allow me.I was ready to get drunk till i throw up my insides danced till my feet were too swollen to even walk and filrt shamelessly.

"Zara sweetie please stop that racket, the neighbours will call the police again! And come downstairs and pray ishaa"my mum called.

I scoffed at the mere thought, praying or partying. Lets seee well ur..... Definitely partying!

"BYE MOM BE BACK AT 3" i jumped out of my window and swiftly landed on my feet. I wasnt gonna stick around and wait for my mum to give me the 'lecture of life' on islam and that schmuer. Im 16 i should have my own freedom. Islam was for people who didnt understand what YOLO was. Every religion was.

The cold December's air send shivers through my spine. My thigh length dress gave me little comfort neither did my peep toe heels.i took out my iphone and texted Becca

'Heyy gurllll ready for the partayyy !!! Meet you @ your yard in 10

Xoxox zee <3'

Just as i was about to start my car i heard a familiar beeping noise.

'Zara please come home your father will be home tonight and im sure he'd love to see his little girl'

My mom seriously needed to chill, i was gonna be home by 3 anyway, maybeee......

* * * * *

'That was the worst party ever !' I thought to myself. The alcohol wasn't strong enough to make me dipsy, even though I had at least 5 cans of vodka.

So here I was driving home. I'm sure I'd be alright.Becca ditched for a boy as usual. My tight red dress clung to me more than usual today...........OMG was I getting fat!?!?

Belching loudly I turned up the stereo, only to hear my faverioute song.


I passed a red light for the third time today "YOLO"I shrieked out of the window.was I really that drunk ?

All of a sudden A blinding car light overtook my Vision. I couldn't see a thing but BRIGHT light. The screeching of tyres followed by a parade of horns brought me back to my senses, I swerved left onto the icy road. The car lost control and started to flip over. I shut my eyes tight and started singing, the pain was too much to bare. My head smashed against the window and it shattered almost immediately.the car came to a halt causing my arm to throw itself out of the shard filled window and scrapped one of the sharp peices. I could see blood poring out o the long gash.the air bag flew out giving me little comfort.

Every breath was an effort I could feel my insides being crushed.

"God if your ...... if your out there pl-pleease don't let me die, just-just llllet this pain go away"I meekly whispered.just then I remembered what my grandfather's last words where.

"La illaha illal La, muhammadora soolulah" I repeated those words 4 times before everything started going fuzzy and all I could hear was faint police sirens.

Darkness enveloped me and all the pain was gone.


Assalamoalaykum all x

Hope you enjoyed this first bit and please comment, every 5 votes I'll update :)

Dedicated to @MuslimahAtHeart for being such an inspiration and great role model, check out her books!

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