- Thirty -

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♢ Laura ♢

"UGHHH, I can't believe him! Boys are so fucking difficult!" Rachel stormed in the cabin and threw herself onto her bed. She laid on her front and I'm pretty sure she was screaming into her pillow.
"What's he said?" Katie asked and sat down next to her on the bed, rubbing her back in an attempt to calm Rachel down. 

I carried on brushing my wet hair and decided not to say anything because I knew I would end up saying something stupid.

After taking a long, deep breath, Rachel sat up and spoke again.
"Matt's fed up of me already." She hissed like his name was poison.

I knew exactly why they had argued but I didn't want the verbal abuse from Rachel so I kept my mouth closed.

"Explain?" Katie asked Rachel before looking at me with quizzical eyes, I shrugged at her.
"He's been so distant and quiet for the last few days, like he didn't want to be with me in public. I decided to confront him about it, he said he needed time to 'think'." She groaned and wiped a tear from her face. "I didn't want to hear his lame excuses after that, I've had enough."

"Rachel, maybe you should just listen to him, there's probably a perfect explanation for his actions and you can sort it out." I think I may have just said something stupid, well, stupid in Rachel's opinion anyway. I have a bad habit of not being able to keep my mouth shut at the worst possible time. 

"Shut up Laura, you don't know a thing!" she screeched at me and began to cry again.
"Whatever, I won't try and help in future." I held my hands up in defeat.

After a moment of contemplation, I spoke up again. 

"Actually, I'm just going to be honest with you." I turned back towards Rachel who was now hiccuping from crying so much. "Seeing as you won't listen to Matt I'm going to tell you myself."

"What are you on about Laura?" Katie questioned me. I sat down on my bed so I was prepared for the verbal abuse that I was about to receive.
"I've been worried, well, we've been worried that you and him are rushing things, and I think Matt has realised it for himself. He's not fed up of you, he just doesn't want to ruin what you both have by falling too hard and fast."

Rachel just cried even more and I couldn't tell if that was a good or a bad thing. Katie looked as though she finally realised what I meant.

"I-I thought everything was p-perfect!" Rachel cried out. "I want to be with him, what am I doing wrong?!"

"Leave him be for a few days, but let him know that you don't hate him, he's probably sulking right now." I replied with a slight laugh and fiddled with my necklace.

"Can you tell him?" Rachel looked between me and Katie. "If we need some time to both think and slow things down I don't want to beg him for forgiveness. I'll end up just snogging his face off." She replied with a slight smile and wiped the remaining tears from her face.

"We will, just get into bed and we'll collect you some dinner. You need girly time." Katie concluded and collected her jacket from the hooks by the door, indicating that we were going to speak to him now.

"Choose a film and we'll be back in a little while." I smiled at Rachel who was looking a bit guilty for flipping out at Matt.

"I love you guys, thank you." She smiled at us and got under her covers. It was raining again so we had to run from our cabin to the boys.

We guessed that the boys saw us coming because as I raised my hand to knock on the door, it had already been opened. Ryan greeted us with a smile and a wink in my direction. Cue heart attack.

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