I need you

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//Paul McCartney imagine// 1965

Don't get me wrong I love horror films but Paul makes us turn off the lights and radiators so we get a better "atmosphere".

Today all of the boys were over. George and Ringo eating popcorn in the two large chairs. John laying on cushions on the floor while Paul cuddled me on the sofa.

Suddenly a loud bang came from the TV. We all jumped apart from John who had just threw a jelly baby at the wires of the TV. It changed channel to the news and I screamed.

John roared with laughter while Paul pulled me closer to him.

"Lennon stop scaring my girl." Paul said sharply.

"I think it's safe to say that I scared her food though Macca." John howled.

Paul smiled slightly trying hard not to laugh. But it wasn't over.

I got up and picked up the lite bottle of lemonade, pouring it over Johns head.

"You deserve it."
I smiled triumphantly.

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