A New Perspective

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Ugh.I hate mornings.DESPISE them.Espescially school mornings. I basically wake up to be bullied.I just have to suck it up, and let it go.They all laugh because of the operation I needed to have on my eyes.But I still have to put on my pants and go to school.Scince the operation, I see things. Evil things. But some I can manipulate.I found that out when I looked at a lightpole, and I wished it would blow up to amuse me.Suddenly from the corner of my eye, a black figure appeared and pushed the light down, and making it catch flames.I ran as fast as I could, trying to forget what I had just seen.But I have come to peace with it. One spirit, Zanth , hangs around me twenty four seven.When I take a test, he's there. When I play video games, he's there.When I bathe, he's outside the room, but he's still there. He is what his kind call a demonic guard.Apparantly he was sent by the Devil himself to "protect" me.He even says that the demons that I saw were trying to be my gaurd.The way it seems to go is if you become someone's personal Demonic Guard, you get to stay in the human world, but you must serve your master.I still stay suspicious of him though.I get on my KISS t-shirt, and run down the sairs with my backpack.As I head to school, I see Jared, a kid who enjoys me bieng in pain, and all-around jerk, on his skateboard. 

"Hey Zanth, pull a wheel off Jared's ride."

"Must I?"

"If you want to stay in my world, yes."

I saw his shadowy form move over Jared, and instantly his left front wheel ripped off ,and he lurched forward,hit the pavement,and skid about half a foot.

"HAHHAAH!That was the fu-funniest th-th-thing ever!HAHAHAH!"

"You seem very amused."Zanth's voice hissed.

"Of course! Why have the ability to manipulate people and things, and not have fun with it?" I said as I reached the front door of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2012 ⏰

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