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ii. new suit, new battlefield.

Nalani had a hard time believing she was stuck with the Avengers. Thor was nice though, bringing her blueberry flavored poptarts for her to casually eat on. As soon as she had arrived, Tony had quickly went off to work in his lab, and notably, Bruce, who had only stared at her, had followed. She sat in the corner of the couch, trying not to check her phone every ten minutes to see if Matthias had an update from her.

And when that wasn't working, she was pacing the room, much to Natasha's amusement, all while still munching away on her poptarts until they were gone. They weren't as soothing to her as say - a pomegranate or a pack of m&m's but she didn't have access to either at the moment. Clint chuckled as he watched her, as if he knew what she was going through as a mother. She sat back down on the couch, laid her head back and groaned quietly, until her phone vibrated and she nearly lunged for it.

Clint laughed audibly, standing to take his phone call as he walked off. Nalani stood to her feet, cleared her throat, and slid the button to answer it. She swallowed deeply, and answered with a poised, calm, "Hello?"

"Nani?" Matthias' voice came through the phone. "Are you okay? Have you landed? You didn't call, so I was worried."

Quietly, Nalani cursed herself in her head, and she chuckled nervously. "I'm fine. We landed about a couple hours ago," she lied.

Matthias sighed on the other side of the phone, "That's good. Have you settled in yet?"

"No," she replied shortly. "I'm about to."

Matthias started to reply when his voice was cut off by a cry, and he yelled to the background, "Daddy's coming, Lilo!" He cleared his throat afterwards, "Nani, you there?"

"I'm here," she said. "You should get Lilo. You know she's impatient."

"I'll call you later, Nan."

"I'll be here," she said, before hanging up. Natasha looked up from her phone, a smile on her features.

"Boyfriend?" she guessed.

"Father of my child," Nalani corrected.

"Ah. How old? Your kid that is."

"She's a baby. Five months."

Nalani shrugged her shoulders afterwards, and lifted her bag by the strap off the floor. She raised a brow at Natasha, "Mind showing me my room?"

"Sure," Nat nodded, leading Nalani to the elevator. Nat pushed the sixth button and the elevator dinged as the doors closed. The doors opened before the silence could become too awkward and Natasha waved a hand to let Nalani step in front of her. Natasha towered over her nearly in her heels, but Nalani wasn't so short either in her own heels. They walked out onto the empty floor of the building and marched out to a doorway. Natasha pushed the door open and Nalani stepped inside without hesitation. She held the strap of her duffle bag in between two hands, as she glanced back to Natasha.

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