Chapter 4 || EDITED

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"The wind always flutters, same as my heart does when I see you"


Days passed as the fourth prince, Wang So and Lee Nae Min, finally meet each other and introduced themselves formally. Faint smiles still linger on their lips, but as the first day they meet each other, it seems like it might be not the last.


Hurried footsteps resonating the quite hallway of the residence of the Eight Prince Wang Wook. People from his residence are tidying up and busy for the preparing of their Prince arrival.

"Hae Soo-ah! Please watch your footsteps!"

"U-uwahh! I apologized Nae Min-ah, don't worry, I'll be fin-ahh!"

"Hae Soo! Aigoo, this kid. How many times do I have to tell you to watch your footsteps? Tripping without rocks blocking your way please be careful." Nae Min, gently scolding Hae Soo like a three-year old child, Myung Hee just observed them from afar, chuckling at the scene as it reminds her and Hae Soo's mother when they're still little.

"Come on now, Hae Soo-ah. Chae Ryung told me that we are having guests. I just want to tell you this so you wouldn't be clueless about everything." She slyly smiled at Hae Soo seeing her reaction is quite entertaining.

"M-mwo!? I am not clueless, Nae Min-ah! Who told you such things like that!" She huffed her cheeks and look away, all that Nae Min can do is chuckle at her antics and gently gives her an adorable smile.

"Who else, of course Myung Hee-ssi" And grin at her priceless expression and continue her walk off to the kitchen to observe the food that is needed to be prepared. Hae Soo sitting still and exhales in disbelieve and abruptly stands and follows Nae Min.

"N-nae Min-ah! Wait for me, will you?!" As she catching up to Nae Min's fast walking.


Seven men and one woman gathered in a room, where they used to meet whenever the Eighth Prince will be the host of the said gathering, the Eighth prince stood from the chair he currently occupying and smile warmly to his brother and sister.

"Good Afternoon, I am very pleased and thankful for the acceptance of my invitation. It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"It's not a big problem, Brother Wook. We're glad from the invitation that you have sent to us. We know that despite of our relationship as a sibling, we intend to forget that we still have each other. Although Brother Mu is currently busy due to his duties as the crown prince" The Thirteenth Prince, Wang Baek-ah give his Brother Wook a warm smile.

"I am aware of the situation of our Brother Moo. It seems like he's been doing his best to be a great emperor in the near future." Wang Won the Ninth Prince stated, as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Indeed. Although, I am truly grateful that you have invited all of us, Brother Wook! It's been a while since I've been here and visited your residence." Wang Eun the Tenth Prince exclaimed in glee as he laugh cheerfully. Even though it is very obvious about the tense atmosphere within them, he tried his best to lighten up the atmosphere. Wang Wook just smiled at his little brother childish antics that certainly reminds him of Hae Soo's childishness attitude and personality.

"By the way, how's Myung Hee? I've heard from your mother that she's not feeling well, lately this days" asked by the Third Prince; Wang Yo.

"She's been doing well by the continuing assistance of Chae Ryung and Hae Soo. Also my new addition of resident here in my household is very helpful" explained by Wang Wook.

"You mean, Miss Nae Min? Is she well, Brother Wook? Last time I saw her, she's wounded and bed ridden." As Wang Baek-ah's voice laced with worry as he asked his brother. Wang Wook just smiled by his brother concern.

"She's been doing well. She's somewhat, a very strict mother to Hae Soo. Although she have a wide knowledge about politics if I may add. She's been really productive as she help Hae Soo and in cleaning."

"Cleaning?! She must rest, Brother Wook! You cannot just give her a task and she's still recovering." Yelled by Wang Eun while panicking.

"What's this? Our Brother Eun is very concerned by this Nae Min girl, eh?" The Fourteenth Prince; Wang Jung tease as he nudges Wang Eun's side. Flustered and embarrassed he looks away and just keep silent.

"I see that you're very concerned about her well-being. Although, she really insist at helping around the household also she told me that she doesn't need a special treatment." Wang Wook sighed at the thought of her determined face and persistence.

"Well, it seems like she's a good girl, then." As the Fourth Prince, Wang So comment, that startled the rest of his siblings. It is not everyday that the Wolf Dog of Goryeo, acknowledge someone. Silence overwhelmed everybody in the room but, was broke by a sudden knock.

"You're Highness, the tea and the foods for the guests, are here" a soft voice came behind the door.

"Do come in and serve them" Wang Wook nods as he approved their assistance. Door slowly being opened to give way to the maids. They slowly rushed inside as they place the tea of their guest as well as their food.

"Chae Ryung, it seems that one is missing." The maid and friend of Hae Soo jolted by the sudden call of her highness.

She nervously replied to her superior "About that -"

"I apologize for the delay, Your Highness. One of the maids suddenly collapsed, and I took the responsibility to delivering this for your guest." A melodic soft voice interrupts Chae Ryung, as her suddenly appearance startled them and leave them being stunned at the maiden in front of them. As her brown locks perfectly framed her face as it cascaded down. She smiled at them and bow for a polite gesture.

"Its fine, Nae Min-ah"



I really do apologize for the delay of updating this Chapter. I'm so busy with my homework and the holidays. Also I feel like starting being on Semi-Hiatus because of the Writer's Block. I hope you do enjoy this!


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