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It was still dark outside when a blaring alarm echoed through the bedroom. Beth groaned, huddling tighter into whatever she was hugging. The item she clutched to let out a groan and shifted slightly. She squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, trying to stop the sound with her eyes. However, the noise continued, increasing in volume as time went by.

"Five more minutes." She grumbled groggily.

"We need to get up." Her pillow spoke in a deep, gruff voice.

"No..." Beth whined.

"I've got to catch my plane and you need to go to your dress fitting." Beth opened her eyes and watched as Sean stretched over to switch his alarm off.

"Fine..." She sat up slowly.

The alarm had been set for six in the morning, ready for Sean to catch his ten o'clock flight. Beth would say goodbye to him at the airport before heading to the dress fitting with Nathan and Cassidy.

Beth hauled herself out of bed and opened the drawers of her chest of drawers. She picked out a grey t-shirt, a pair of white jeans, a blue zip hoody and underwear. She swept off into the bathroom to change and have a wash.

Meanwhile, Sean busied himself by making breakfast for the two of them. He sliced up an apple, an orange, some grapes, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. He threw them into two bowls, added a few spoons of yogurt to each and mixed. The kettle was already full so Sean flicked the lever down. He prepared the cups - one with coffee grounds and two sugars and one with just a teabag. He also removed the milk bottle from the fridge. Once the kettle lever popped up again, Sean grabbed it by the handle and poured the boiled water into the cups. He carried the bowls to the windowsill and left them on the coffee table nearby. While travelling back for the drinks, Beth left the bathroom, yawning and stretching her arms above her head.

"Breakfast is on the coffee table. Whenever you're ready. I've got tea as well."

"Thank you so much. You go get dressed and sort out any last minute stuff. I'll put milk in my tea." Sean nodded. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead as he whisked past.

Beth approached the cups and removed the teabag with a teaspoon. She also added a drop of milk and then placed the bottle into the fridge. Her fingers trembled as she gripped the handles of the cups. She stared for a minute at the liquid which moved calmly.

I don't want to be alone again.

Her heart raced. She let go of the cups and backed into the corner of the room. Her chest felt tight and cold while her head was spinning. Her eyes were fuzzy - a screen of black interrupted by very faint images of the world around her. There was a hurricane inside of her - a hurricane which had come with no warning. Her hand fell on top of her chest, trying to steady its heavy and irregular rising and lowering.

Beth could feel her knees starting to give way and become wobbly. She lowered herself into one of the dining chairs at the table. Most of the sounds around her were on mute - she couldn't hear a thing. She could, however, hear a fuzzy voice calling her name. She tried to turn her head towards the voice but it was coming from all directions. She faced the doorway in hopes that someone would step through it. Sure enough, Sean came through the door. His eyes wandered over Beth for a while, his lips moving to form words. Beth didn't hear them.

"Beth, didn't you hear me calling you?" She tapped her ear with a finger. "Can you hear me?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh my God." Sean rushed at her and kneeled in front of her. He placed his hands on her arms. "Beth?" She nodded. "Are you okay?" He spoke slowly and made an effort to form his words. However, Beth could now hear him again.

The Girl Behind The Screen ~ JackSepticEyeWhere stories live. Discover now