Chapter 8

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The next day Miri, my mother and Jarred's mate Jane took me shopping. Thankfully my aunt had other engagements that she had to attend. They had no sympathy for me as they made me try on gazillions dresses and other clothes they thought I needed. The lingerie I got to buy was very pretty and I did like that, that was really the only girly stuff I ever bought, it was my weakness. They also bought me several sets of high heels but let me pick a new pair of runners and an awesome pair of black boots that I liked better. Miri didn't let us pay anything. After a lovely lunch I was forced to sit still for almost two hours while my hair was cut and styled and my nails were done on my hands and feet.

We were followed at a discreet distance by six men, Andrew and Callen were there to protect me the other two were there for Miri while the last two were assigned to protect mum and Jane. In the shops two guys always came in with us. They took turns and when Andrew was in the shop he made sure to make fun of the girly stuff I was made to wear. So much so that Callen actually hit him over the head once and told him to shut up. After my passionate plea Miri let the guys join us at lunch, it would have been cruel to make them wait outside and it forced mum and Miri to pick a place that wasn't as posh.

After the hair and nails were done I was dragged to my old home where Miri taught me how to apply my makeup properly while mum made dinner with Jane. I'd always stuck with the basics so I was impressed and overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I was supposed to use. Eyeliner was the hardest because it seemed that I had never used it right. She made me redo it a all million times before it was 'acceptable'. My brothers, cousins and dad were all there to laugh at me the whole time, I have such a supportive family.

Miri went home and Callen stayed for dinner so he could escort me home, it was relaxed and comfortable but there was an underlying tension. After dinner I went to the kitchen for another glass of wine but a hand over mine stopped the bottle while another hand removed the glass.
"You need to keep your senses sharp. We don't get drunk easily but that doesn't mean you can't suffer a hangover." A cool voice informed me from behind.
I dropped my head. "I know. I just want to take the edge off."
"It won't come off. You are meeting the Elders." He told me blandly.
"I guess I better get something stronger then éh?" I chuckled despondently.

Callen turned me around and pulled me in a tight embrace. "When dad told me what you really are, I didn't believe him. But when I met you I could feel it. The power rolls off you like a tsunami. As a born Beta I can feel the power of an Alpha because that is the only thing I will submit to. You are very strong. I understand that you are afraid but I think you fear the Elders for the wrong reasons."
"And why is that?" I mumbled against his chest with my arms tightly secured around him.
"You fear that there has been a mistake. That they won't accept you or your wolf. Is that right?" He asked me. I nodded.
"You should fear them...But...You should fear them because you are incredibly strong and you are an anomaly. Inexplicable things are dangerous. In our world dangerous things are threat... and threat is disposed off without prejudice."
We separated and I stared up at his serious expression..
"So what do I do?"
"My advice would be to look and act as harmless as possible. Richard and Miri won't tell you because they don't wish to worry you more but that is why you have been turned into a girly girl and that is why they gave you guards. That way they are making it look like you can't protect yourself."

"Let us take you home and ask Richard to put you to sleep. You are going to need that, it'll be better than a hangover."
Reluctantly I agreed and went to say goodnight to everyone. Dad pried my teary eyed mother off me and Andrew guided me out while everyone reminded him to take good care of me. We walked home in silence and I did what Callen suggested so I could get a good night sleep.
I woke up refreshed and ready for training at five. When I walked into the bathroom I realized that I wouldn't be going to training. My wolf reminded me of her presence by calming my emotions and filling me with faith in our ability. She kept sending me pictures of my triumphs during these hard months of training. She reminded me of how capable I was already and how the warriors put it down to the extra hard lessons and my experience growing up with mostly guys and a strong warrior as a brother. Some of the warriors had known my grandfather and it had come as a surprise to me that he had actually helped a lot of the older ones train for their position. Every single one I asked confirmed that they were one with their wolf. Some because it just felt more natural and others because they had followed the instructions of their grandparents or my grandfather. Granddad had been quite the character but all the times I thought he was just doing his own thing in the forest he had been at the training fields.

After I showered and dressed I went to my jewelry box and pulled out a pendant that my grandfather had given me. It was a detailed carving of a wolf. What I loved was that he had made it especially for me the moment I was born. And he had carved words going around the wolf, almost too small to read, it said 'Always remember my little mermaid - Let them throw you to the big bad wolves to die, for you will return their Alpha.'

He'd had such faith in me and reminded me to always trust my wolf, he had told me that line so many times growing up I could almost hear his voice as I looked at the little wolf before dropping the cord around my neck. When I was small it had hung almost down to my belly button and I stopped wearing it because I feared I would lose it. It was still on a long leather cord and now hung between the valley of my breasts, hidden from everyone.

Miri had packed for me the night before so I walked down in simple jeans and a pink T-shirt that had very small print on the front saying 'Don't get too close.. I bite!' Richard shook his head smiling and Matt laughed saying he didn't mind a few nips. Miri frowned handing me a coffee and reminding me to change before we got there. I didn't know where there was and I didn't want to know.

Everyone had one bag of clothes with enough for about four days or so. I also had a makeup case and a handbag that Miri insisted I needed because my usual backpack wasn't appropriate and way too big. The bags she had packed didn't hold any of my normal clothes, just dresses and skirts and stuff like that. Andrew had put a big blue key ring on my backpack, pretending it was his and smuggled it past Miri into the car. Car, not really, more like huge, macho, lifted, pimped out, black monster truck. Matt, Callen, Andrew, one of Matt's guards called Kyle and I were in one truck. I was squished in the back between Drew and Kyle. The other truck held Matt's other guard and the two that came along for the Alpha. Matt drove our car and Richard the other.

After two hours we stopped for a stretch and I was ready to kill Drew. Quite stupidly I had promised I wouldn't use the power I had to affect my family when I found out how it affected them that day with Gia. I couldn't order him to stop because every time my wolf rose he had reminded me of that promise. He had stopped talking when Matt ordered him to leave me in peace but had moved to take up as much space as possible. With his huge frame I couldn't do anything about it and I was practically sitting on Kyle's lap when Matt suddenly said we would have a break in ten minutes. Drew started bumping me. It was then that I was actually unbuckled by Kyle bluntly saying 'that's it!' with him blatantly reaching over me and pulling me on his lap. Then, using the space my absence in the middle created, proceeded to wack my brother really hard. I didn't know him very well but he didn't speak a single word during all this, just a look to tell me sorry. I didn't move an inch as I awkwardly sat on his lap like a little kid. The moment the car stopped he opened the door and gently lifted me into Callen's arms. Callen put me on my feet.

Richard and the others were grinning when the saw my face as I stalked around the car and dropped my brother on the dirty ground without warning. I had a clawed hand over his jewels as I kneeled beside him on one of his arms and growled. My wolf was right there and could be heard in my voice even though I used no power.

"We are going to mix things up a bit bro... not being able to use a command on you was because I made a promise... and I will keep my promises. So I hope you had your fun these last few hours because I will make you another promise! I will rip off your testicles and feed them to you if you so much as think about annoying me during the rest of this trip. Is..that..clear?"

His pale face and the line of sweat that had sprung up on his forehead were a good indication that he knew I was serious. He nodded a shaky yes.
"I didn't hear that?"
"Yes! Yes, you are crystal fúcking clear!"
I smiled sweetly retracted my claw and offered him a hand up. "Good boy."
Richard nodded to me with a proud grin when I fell into step with him walking to the diner and whispered. "Good girl."
I laughed.

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