Chapter 5

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Derell P.O.V

Getting up from my seat, it was now lunch time, grabbing my backpack off my chair I left the classroom and waiting outside was Kyle and Ivan. We were heading towards the cafeteria when we got stopped by Alisha shouting my name like a crazy woman in the hallway.

“Derell I heard you told Ciara to stop hanging around me?” Alisha slurred seems like she’s drunk already. She was wearing a tight mini skirt and a whit tight top and here she asking me why I said that, she held my shirt in a tight bundle in her hands.

Grabbing both of her hands off my shirt, “Yeah I did Alisha, look at the state of you, your drunk, you stink of sex and here you are asking why Ciara shouldn’t hang out with you” some people were looking our way knowing that there will be action since it involve Alisha.

“I don’t want you to go anywhere near my sister” I said glanced at her one more time before walking towards the canteen.

On my usual table in the canteen were my two close friends and the rest of the basketball team with a couple girls. Sitting next to me was Rochelle who was rubbing my thigh and talking about how many things she can put into her mouth or something I lost interest 5 minutes ago. Our relationship hasn’t been going to well and it’s getting boring since all she talks about in this relationship is herself.

The cafeteria door banged open drawing everyone attention, walked in Tasha with Kelly. A smile lit up on my faces.

I got up and walked up to Kyle “Yo Kyle it’s her, the girl I was talking to you about” I whispered so that Rochelle couldn’t hear but enough for Ivan to hear from where he was sitting.

“What about her?” Ivan said eying up Tasha freely while he had an arm laid across his new girlfriend shoulder while she was kissing his neck not caring if anyone saw her. Kyle started to fill him in, while I got up and walked up to where Tasha was seating.

 Tapping her shoulder, she turned around “Can I sit here?” I asked.  People in the canteen were now turning their attention towards Rochelle who was making an unnecessary scene while her friends were now crowding around her trying to calm her down

“Yeah sure but don’t you want to sit next to your friends” she said pointing toward the table in the middle of the canteen which was making the loudest noise, chucking basketball, groping and kissing at each other and talking on the phone really loudly. 

“Nah they are cool without me” I replied flashing me a big grin.

Kelly was sitting down quietly messing with her food. People don’t really talk to her or get involve with her because of what her brother did two years ago, since then she really kept to herself but no one could get it wrong that she was pretty and she lives about two doors from me.

“Hey Kelly” I said with a small nod, this is not the first time we’ve talked, we had little conversations but since she likes to be left alone I didn’t really bothered her.Taking a seat.

“So what do you think of Franklin High school so far? I asked with a pleasant smile.

“It’s ok but not really seen anything exciting yet, I just have to wait and see” she answered truthfully. “Some people are kind but the others what can I say, don’t really give a shit about them since all they do is cast me dirty looks” with the shrugged of the shoulder she flashed me a cherish smile.

“Now that what am talking about” Kelly said, staring at people inside the cafeteria, giving each and every one of them a criticise look. I took a quick glance at Tasha she looked confused.

“So what do you have next?” I asked her, she was reaching now into her handbag to grab something I presume is her class schedule.

Kelly said “Don’t worry Tasha we have exercise to music mixed while the Boys who will be practising for the basketball” looking at Derell “you’re in that class aren’t you Derell?”

“Yes I’m about to-”The ear-splitting bell rang interrupting what I was going to say to Tasha and Kelly.

“Yo Derell hurry up man” Kyle beckoned me. Turning back to face Tasha and Kelly with an apologetic look “I see you guys later” I said before walking away to meet up with my friends.

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