First Truth!

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Ok we have the first thruth byHudsonShiela ^^ its a pleasure ^^

Everyone: well for you because you are not the one being tortured!

Me: whatever... Anyway the truth is for Daring

Daring: well what is it?

Me: oh this is fun!!! Haha

Daring: ???

Me: ok who will you choose Rosabella or Apple

Apple: definitely me!

Rosabella: umm... IDK

Me: wait before you go heres a twist *whispers to Daring* clear?

Daring: o...k... I will choose... *Kisses Rosabella in the cheeks*

Apple: What?!

Rosabella: blushes

Me: oh what an awesome scene *cries*

Apple: no way! *hugs Daring and pleasing* "dont leave me"

Daring: so... Um.. What now....

Me: oh what a drama *cries*

Daring: um... Hello

Me: oh anyway thats over, cut!

Apple: thats not funny!! My Daring!!!

Me: well its not really funny but... Its romantic *sighs dreamily*

Apple: maybe your crazy!

Me: whatever anyway thanks for the wonderful truth HudsonShiela.

Lizzie: wait!

Me: what?!

Lizzie: off with Rosabella's head!!! *runs to Rosabella*

Rosabella: oh oh *runs away*

Me: oh no... Anyway bye i have to catch Lizzie!

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