Misery and agony.

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Sadness has eaten away at my soul,

Leaving me stuck in a black hole.

IT has eroded me into a shell,

Thrusting me viciously into hell.

IT has condemned my aspirations,

And constantly toyed with my emotions.

I cannot find the will to move on,

For all my essence, sadness has preyed on.

The daggers of agony has left me with scars.

And its enforced misery are forever etched on my stars.

Tears have become my companion by the hour,

And my red swollen eyes, badges of honour.

My face has long forgotten how to smile,

And my heart feels like I've run a mile.

My eyes hold no happiness,

But remain blank as though filled with nothingness.

My feet do not move in a happy dance,

But are forever poised in a defensive stance.

My mouth no longer sings love songs,

But indulge in singing sorrowful mournful songs.

Sadness has made my heart numb,

Encasing me for eternity in a dark cold tomb.

I have long accepted misery as my frienemy,

For the workings of fate are too intricate to decipher.

[Love, Beebs ♥]

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