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"To stop Gul'dan from unleashing such a thing upon us, there is only one option," Khadgar said. We must retrieve Illidan's body. Sooner rather than later. And there is another we must retrieve as well. The Lady Tyrande, who as you know was taken by Gul'dan two days ago."

Anduin met Malfurion's eyes. "My armies are at your disposal, Archmage."

Sylvanas held her hand up to Anduin. "Not so fast, Son of Varian. Archmage Karlain said Illidan and Tyrande have been taken to the Chamber of the Eye. But none have yet discovered where it is. So what are our forces meant to do, blindly attack the Legion's stronghold hoping we will stumble upon a secret entrance?"

Khadgar waved his hand in the air, and a detailed map of the Broken Shore materialised on the floor, rotating slowly. He waved two fingers, and a point of light blossomed on the shoreline where the armies of Azeroth had last begun their assault. "No. We create a diversion. Once more, an invasion by the Horde and Alliance forces on the Broken Shore. But this time, a single force working together, as one." He moved his hand and another point of light glimmered briefly on the island adjacent to the Tomb of Sargeras; where the cavern of the collapsed temple lay.

"I had to use ancient magic to find it, but I was able to locate the Chamber of the Eye. It is deep underneath the Tomb of Sargeras. There is only one way in: a tunnel from Hope's End."

Malfurion stared at the spot. Tyrande. He could save her. A tunnel was easy enough to navigate, all he needed to do was shapeshift and fly to Hope's End, shift into cat form and stealth inside. He could wait until the room was empty--Khadgar caught his eye. The Archmage's were filled with warning.

"I don't need to be a mind reader to guess what each of you are thinking right now. Why attack the Shore again when we can just take the tunnel? We can't." The light on the map blossomed anew. Khadgar continued, "This is where the tunnel begins, within the cavern of the collapsed temple. But the tunnel is covered by solid rock and sealed at its entrance and exit by powerful wards set by Gul'dan himself. Even I cannot bypass them."

"Then destroy them," Sylvanas murmured, her gaze raking over the details of the terrain at Hope's End.

"And give Gul'dan warning of our arrival? No. I'd rather not. Furthermore, the tunnel leading to the Chamber is cut under the channel between the islands. If anyone were foolish enough to try force their way, they would ensure the total destruction of the tunnel, cutting themselves off completely."

Anduin looked up, his jaw taut. "So we have one chance. And, I am assuming you have a plan how to get through that tunnel, or else we would not be meeting you here in the presence of a Na'aru."

Khadgar nodded. "I need you to lead your forces as a united front at the Shore. A diversion so convincing the Legion will be compelled to leave the Tomb. Meanwhile I will send a select group through the tunnel--"

"How?" Malfurion asked, suddenly impatient. "You just said you can't breach it and you won't destroy it."

"It seems Azeroth has seen fit to provide us with a weapon of her own," Khadgar answered, oblique.

Anduin glanced up at the Na'aru. "Xe'ra?"

The Na'aru's light intensified. Anduin lifted his hand up to it, watching, fascinated as the light slid over his fingers. The air filled with the soft chiming of bells. From what seemed a great distance, Malfurion heard the Na'aru's voice within his mind.

No, Anduin, not I. My purpose is meant for another task.

Khadgar waited for the Na'aru's light to return to normal, before continuing, "The power required to open the way is greater than even the Council of Six can generate. It will be another, with powers greater even than Aegwynn's who will open the way."

Anduin's mouth fell open. Even Sylvanas lost her composure for a moment as astonishment wrote itself plain across her features. Malfurion, though, only knew one feeling. Hope, real hope, for the first time in what felt like years. Tyrande, hold on. We're coming.

"Who?" Sylvanas asked, her curiosity overcoming her pride.

But Khadgar wouldn't answer. Even here, in this warded place, in the presence of a Na'aru, the Archmage closed his mouth, and shook his head.

"Do you trust them?" Anduin asked before Sylvanas could.

"I do. And because of her, Gul'dan will not see us coming."

"Her . . ." Anduin breathed. "Do you think, maybe, it could be--?"

Khadgar smiled, soft. "No, Anduin, she is not Aegwynn reborn. At first I thought it might be so, but she is not. She has no memories, nothing of Aegwynn's long life touches her, and none of Aegwynn's magic is familiar to her. Her way of using magic is unfamiliar to me. But it is better than how we use it, she weaves it so fast, it is flawless, breathtaking. It seems she was born this way, carrying the energy of Azeroth, and the innate abilities to wield great power with almost no effort." He shook his head, bemused. "And she was born on a farm in Westfall, of all places."

"So even Azeroth herself rises to aid us," Sylvanas concluded, grim. She turned to Khadgar. "Whatever you ask of the Horde, consider it done. Let us end this, once and for all." She held out her hand to Anduin. "Son of Varian, I will fight by your side."

Anduin took her hand, and clasped it. "And I, yours."

Khadgar nodded, pleased. "Then, let us begin. We have much to do, and little time to prepare."

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