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Recap ~ A bed for a queen my queen

Justin's POV
I sigh, as I set the billions of contracts down I've been up since 5 AM reading and signing crap, I need a beer & it's only 8 AM. I decided to go wake my little girl, getting up I headed to the kitchen & grabbed a sippy filling it with milk. "Morning Mr. Bieber" Shula spoke excitedly, "morning Shula" I spoke before making my way up to Rayleigh.

Opening the door to her room, I see she was up and playing, "morning daddy" she squealed as she threw the blanket over her head. "Morning beautiful, why are you up already, it's my job to get you up?" I questioned as sat the bottle of milk on the night stand, "I got scared & I couldn't fall back asleep."

She softly mumbled "if you were scared then why didn't you call for me" I asked as I sat down beside her in the heap of toys. "I didn't wanna bother you, I mean this is a test run right, you don't really wanna be my daddy do you?" She asked as she cuddled up to the giant bear, "test run, no baby your my little girl, my angel this isn't a test."

She nodded "so I am your little girl," I nodded "yes you are, daddy doesn't play games like that, he wouldn't do such a thing to hurt or to tease his littles." She just nodded a bright smile was on her now rosy face, "can daddy have a kiss" I asked as I laid back on the pile of stuffed animals. She nodded & you could hear a little squeal, seconds later I could feel her lips attach to mine, "your so sweet."

I spoke as the kiss broke apart, "I wonder what else tastes good on you" I sexually spoke as I laid a finger on her light purple frilly panties. "Don't touch, not ready" she spoke quickly before closing her legs. "Baby, daddy wouldn't hurt you, daddy wants to pleasure you, but daddy will wait since it's only day one for us."

Kissing her cheek I got up, before handing her the bottle, "what would you like for breakfast kitten?" I asked as I started fixing her bed, "poptart please," eww I thought in my mind "baby I don't think poptarts will do any good why don't we have eggs, bacon & pancakes." She just nodded, "I'll be back to dress you for the day, pick up your room while I'm gone."

She nodded once more & started picking up her toys & placing them were they belonged, walking down stairs i could already smell the bacon. "Maria" she turned around with a smile "I heard my dear it will be ready soon" she spoke, smiling I headed up to my room & changed. After I changed into a pair of lounge pants & a tee I headed over to Rayleigh's room to get her dressed for the day.

Opening the door, she sat in her chair & played with Floppy a stuffed bunny of hers, "ready to get dressed?" I asked even though she was gonna get dressed regardless, "yes daddy" she whispered as she got out of the chair & made her way towards me. Let's so what am I gonna dress her in today, I asked myself as I looked through the closet, smiling when I found the perfect outfit.

A giant grey shirt that covers her bum, with black knee high socks, and matching blue bra & panties, cheeky thong panties. Like a thong just thicker & honestly a lot sexier, "alright let's get you changed." I spoke before grabbing & lifting the hem of her shirt that she was currently wearing, once that was off I got her dressed but I couldn't help myself by grabbing her breast & ass they were both so perfect & round.

Once she was dressed I handed her Floppy, "let's go eat breakfast, then after breakfast were going over daddies rules." I spoke before walking to the door, walking downstairs I could see Maria placing the food on the table. "Thank you Marie, go take a break till lunch" I spoke as I pulled a chair out for my queen. Once she sat down I did the same, "eat up baby girl, we have a semi busy day today."

I spoke before biting into a piece of bacon, god this is so fucking good, I love crispy yet fatty bacon. "Daddy wants to see if you can swim," I spoke while wiggling my eyebrows, "why daddy" she asked? "I'm kinky baby I'll have sex anywhere & I've never had it in a pool & I thought I'd try it with you." She just nodded "if you don't like that then we don't have to, of course when I break your virginity it will be proper."

*After Breakfast*

Sitting down on the couch, Rayleigh sat beside me, "alright rules are simple, but if you decide to disobey them, then you'll get you butt spanked & plugged for 24 hours." I spoke while grabbing the copy of rules, handing them to her, so she can start reading them while I recite them.

1. Say good morning when you wake up, and good night when you go to sleep daddy wants your attention just as much as you want his

2. No swearing. You are a princess & my little, don't swear just don't, daddy swears but I'm me, & you are you, so no swearing 

3. Don't Disrespect Daddy. Be a good girl, don't back talk me, don't raise your voice at me or I will drag you to the ground & punish you.

4. Kisses. Daddy lives for kisses, and cuddles especially when I'm upset

5. Trust. Important thing in this relationship is trust, i want your trust & I want you to trust me especially during our sexual cuddles, I also need you to trust me when I say, daddy will never hurt you intentionally.

6. Behavior. I don't tolerate brats so don't go there, case closed

7. Tell daddy when your squirmy. Daddy knows what he's doing so if you get a tickling feeling in your princess area let daddy know.

8. Permission to cum. Always ask if you can cum, again you will be punished if caught.

Last & most important rule.

9. Always tell daddy when playtime gets too scary. I don't ever want to scare you so if I scare you when are playing in any way let me know & I will stop.

After I went over the rules, she handed me the paper back, "any questions" I asked "no daddy, I'll be a good girl." She spoke before cuddling into me, "I don't ever want to punish you baby girl but I only do it because it's for your own good." I spoke before kissing her head, alright what time is it. I asked myself as I looked at my watch 11:38, ugh today Is going by so slow, I whined to myself as I lifted Rayleigh off me.

"I think we're just gonna hang out today, I think maybe a movie day is best since its already 11:40 & if you look outside its raining." I spoke as I got up to open the movie cabinet, "what movie my kitten?" I asked as I grabbed a couple of the best movies ever made, "Lelo & Stitch, Lion King, Oliver & Company & there is many more but those to me are the best."

"Oliver & Company, please daddy" she asked, I smiled & popped the DVD in, "no playing while the movies on." I spoke as she started playing with Floppy, she nodded then curled up right next to me. "I love you daddy" looking down "I love you too kitten I really do" I answered back as the movie played.

For the rest of the day we watched movies &
We ended up playing in the rain, but that quickly ended when a loud crack sounded. Once we came back inside we literally laid in the couch & cuddled in our dry undergarments. I got to get her used to this anyways, soon enough we'll be seeing each other completely naked for sexual reasons.

We'll that was chapter two, I thought it was cute how
bout you??
I really hope you guys are enjoying this story please please let me know in the comments if I'm doing a good job. If you want criticize me but be nice about it, I just want y'all to enjoy this story. ~ Ashleigh

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Word Count 1417 🍒

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