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I was tired of being the odd one out.

I was tired of being different.

Tired of not being able to experience what life’s about.

So tired of not being able to relent,

To relent about all my anger and pain

But instead to just keep on being others definition of perfect

About to do something but then I refrain,

Why? That the thing not even with all my intellect

All my intelligence, could I find an answer to this question.

All I knew is that I was tired, so very tired.

 I was tired of caring about people’s opinion.

I was tired of being called too ambitious.

Tired of trying to live up to others expectations

Tired of people now meeting me an yet immediately becoming jealous

Tired of trying to talk

But yet I couldn’t open my mouth, afraid of the after effect

Tired of this so called admirable walk

Tired of trying yet still ending up being imperfect

Tired of believing that I have to be in the first place

I’m so fed up of pretending that I don’t give a shit

Of being everything yet nothing and at the same time feeling like a disgrace

Tired yet still not tired enough to stop the charade, to quit.

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