Lost in Alaska

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------hello i'm 12 and an aspiring writer. pleas give me feed back and if you want more of this please comment and like or fan :)------                                                                                                  Snoring.... how could he sleep in a situation like this. When many had died. With death's soulless eyes staring into me, dank holes like the caves I went spelunking in. Just as if he were there in front of me another one happened. Tumbling and roaring the colossus snowballs came flying down. At that second I knew there was no other way.....we had to walk. And all of this started with a silly goal of going into the Alaskan wilderness. Just as any kid at 7 years old of course I had a dream of becoming something larger than life. The younger you are the bigger your dreams. But at the age of 20 my dad had saved up to send me to this place of fear and nightmares.

I am now 23......this.....this place has turned us to search for different foods such as moss and lichen. Having to eat them cold and raw sometimes. And other times boiled with the snow. But no matter what we will need meat. We have seen animal tracks. Caribou maybe, my knowledge of Alaska is limited, I only brought and know essentials. Which is good to not fear the known such as caribou stampedes. But also bad to not know how to prepare correctly in certain dire situations. Timothy screamed “ Wake up Matthew it's an avalanche!”. Matthew then replied with a nasty grin “ It's caribou you dreamed the whole thing.”. Caribou only meant one thing to them.......meat. They had prepared in the beforehand months for this day. They had sharpened one of their poles from their tent, but leaving it somewhat limp and terribly deformed whenever they pulled it out. It had a fine point to where it had sliced Timothy when he rubbed his finger over the edge. But as they hastily ran out of the tent....wasting no time in dressing correctly, and bringing their weapon with them. They carried their makeshift spear with pride and hunger showing through their eyes. They quickly run to the center of the oncoming giants. Timothy instinctively aimed for the breast of one of the beasts and with one quick motion had pierced the animal. The mighty antlered beast almost instantly fell to the ground...sliding from his fast speed. While running to this one poor creature the others got away just as fast as they had come. What Timothy had realized is that Matthew had been hugging to the ground in cover and fear. Fear of the death that could have been foretold. This one animal if cooked right could last them months. And the antlers could be shaven down to a nice sharp weapon using one of the rocks where we are. After dragging the caribou somewhat 30 feet to the tent and having to take the time and effort to cover it in a sheet so predators cant smell it. And after covering it in layers of snow he could finally rest with ease. But later that night something awoke Timothy. Sounds of the fresh crisp snow going *crunch* *crunch* timothy then with a his forefinger to his lips motioned Matthew to stay quiet after steadily shaking him. The next thing brought fear in their eyes....digging where they had put the caribou. How had whatever this was sniff that out. Well that being the least their stomachs overpowered their common sense and they rushed out of the tent quickly dragging their spear with them Matthew lunging and stabbing the first thing he saw realized one thing....these were wolves. He had stricken the packs leader in his long elegant hind left leg. Taken aback and snarling he decided to rush off with his pack off two. And with the courage this took....more or less...gained some respect from Timothy towards Matthew they decided to hurry back to the tent and try to get the most rest they can.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2012 ⏰

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