Chapter 4

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Sierras pov

I woke up and I was on the couch did I fall asleep here last night? Oh well I got up and smelt breakfast who's cooking and wheres my baby I went into the kitchen and saw Jason making breakfast and he was wearing this baby wrap and Jordan was inside it

"morning sleeping Beauty I was wondering when you'd wake up" he said

"did you stay the night" I asked

"yea you were so tired I figured I'd stay and help you with Jordan who is ready to see her mommy" he said handing her to me

"Hey baby girl how did you feed her" I said kissing her

"I used the breast milk you pumped at the hospital she does really good on a bottle" he said

"wow well aren't you just Mr. Fantastic you made breakfast and took care of my baby all night you are amazing" I said he smiled and handed me a plate of cut up furit and French toast I took a bite

"oh my gosh Jason this is amazing" I said

"thanks cooking is another one of my speical talents aside from singing" he said setting down and eating himself. After we ate Jason had to leave he had to go to work

"thanks for spending the night last night I couldn't have gotten through the first night without you" I said

"no problem hey here's my phone and pager number if you need me anytime at all call me and I'll come over" he said

"thanks" I said he smiled and kissed Jordans head and then kissed my forehead I smiled feeling his lips on my forehead

"I'll come over on my lunch break and bring you some lunch" he said

"okay see you then" I said and he left I smiled and grabbed my phone and called my friend Miranda and she came over to meet her little neice

"so wait this guy who's a doctor helped you deliver her in a shopping mall" she said

"yep and then brought me home and stayed the night" I said

"wow is he cute" she asked I smiled and showed her a picture

"yes he is and hands off" I said

"really wow are you two together" she asked

"no but I really like him and I think he likes me and I don't know I mean I wanna see where this goes" I said

"wow well I'm really happy for you baby sis and Jordan Im glad you have a guy that wants to take care of you two" she said

"thanks and Jordan loves him anytime she's crying he just has to pick her up and sing to her and she stops it's amazing" I said. So after talking for a while she left and around noon Jason came over with lunch

"I got you a salad from that salad and soup place you love so much" he said I gave him a look

"how did you know Salad Works was my favorite restaurant" I asked

"when I was cleaning I saw your receipts" he said laughing I smiled and punched him playfully. So after we ate he had to go back to work sadly

"I'll stop by after work I'll see you later call me if you need anything" he said I nodded and said bye and then Jordan and I went to my room and I fed and changed her and then we took a nice long nap.

Jasons pov

I got back to work and my buddy Luke walks over

"Hey man so how's it going with the girl" he asked

"great I'm asking her out tomorrow" I said

"wow congrats man that's awesome" he said

"yea I mean very time in around her and the baby I feel like we were meant to be together and that Jordan is my daughter I fell like a family when I'm with them" I said

"that great Jason I mean it's a good thing right it's been two years since Jessica and Hayley died" he said my wife Jessica and my daughter Hayley died two years ago in a car accident my little girl was six years old I was devastated and I never thought I'd get married or even date again

"yea your right and maybe Sierra and Jordan are ones I've been waiting for" I said. I hope she says yes to going out with me I really like her and she makes everything better.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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