Chapter 1

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Sierras Pov

It's Christmas Eve and I was at the mall doing some last minute Christmas shopping, I'm so excited for Christmas because this year I get the best gift ever Im having a baby and I'm due very very soon, I can't wait to meet him or her the only problem is I have to raise this baby by myself my boyfriend Josh left a few months ago he said it just wasn't working out and I found out that he was cheating, so now it's just me and my baby.

I was in line waiting to pay when I started getting contractions I grabbed my belly and started breathing when another one hit

"ma'ma are you okay" the cashier asked me

"yea it's just Braxton Hicks contractions" I said and that's when a stong contraction hit

"ahh okay that one really hurt I have to go" I said so I left my clothes and started walking out of the store and through the mall when my water broke

"oh my gosh my water just broke oh no this can't be happening right now" I said sitting down on a bench and took some deep breaths

Jasons pov

I was finishing up my Christmas shopping and was walking out of the store when I saw a lady sitting on the bench and she looked very pregnant and in pain I ran over to help

"ma'ma are you alright" I asked her

"no my water just broke" she said

"okay I'm gonna help you I'm a doctor my names Jason here let's get you somewhere more private and I'll go grab my medical bag" I said so we went to a home decor store and I took her to the back where a supply room was I grabbed some towels and laid them down and then helped her lay down

"okay Im gonna have to deliver the baby there's no time to get to a hospital I'm gonna go get my bag and some other supplies I'll be right back" I told her and ran an fast as I could to my truck. After grabbing my bag I went into a baby store and bought some blankets and diapers and a outfit for when the babies born and then went back to the department store.

"oh my gosh this pain is so intense" she said

"I know I'm sorry if I had an epidural I'd give it to you, how far apart are your contractions" I asked her

"about two minutes" she said I nodded and checked to see how dilated she was

"okay your fully dilated and I can feel the baby so when you feel another contraction I want you to push hard okay" I told her she nodded

Sierras pov

So I did what he told me and I pushed

"ahh" I screamed in pain pushing again

"good one more babys almost here one more push" he said so I did and soon I heard my little one crying

"it's a girl" he said wrapping her up and handing her to me

oh hello there sweet girl hello my love" I said kissing her head she stopped crying and looked up at me

"you know mommys voice huh, I've waited nine long months to meet you she's the greatest Christmas present ever" I said hugging her close

"what are you gonna name her" Jason asked

"Jordan Alexis Tilley" I said

"it's perfect" he said I smiled down at my sleeping daughter she's the greatest Christmas present I've ever gotten.

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