desperate much?

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6. are you desperate, calum?

"Let's get out of here," I mumble against her lips, hoping she will agree.

Her kisses are getting deeper and sweeter than before. I want to feel them against mine forever. They feel like home.

Seems like Bryana was wrong about me not bedding any of her friends.

I know it's wrong; the voice in my head is shouting at me to take my hands off of her.

But I can't.

"Hmm?" she hums, lips still attached to mine.

"We should leave," I say, pulling away. I let my hands slip down to her waist, tipsy hands wanting to go lower.

Don't touch her bum yet. She'll change her mind. Save it for later.

She hesitates for a moment, and then nods at my suggestion. "Your place or mine?"

I don't need to consider it for too long. My place is practically Ashton's sofa and the floor around it.


"I'll let them know we're leaving."

I watch her tear Bryana away from Ashton's side, and try to follow the conversation by reading their lips. But I'm a little bit too tipsy to focus. I end up looking Hayley up and down instead.

Christ help me, I'm about to take her home.

She's so pretty. Even with faded blue hair that doesn't quite suit her.

Bryana's eyes dart in my direction. She gives me a glare, and I'm pretty sure the girl will kill me with her bare hands if I fuck this up.

I just look away. Moments later, Hayley is back by my side.

"Let's go," she says, and then we're on our way.

I keep her hand in mine the whole time, worried that she will run away or change her mind the minute I let go of her.

This time, I won't let her lose me.

The walk up to her door has my knees feeling slightly weak. Are we about to do this?

"Are you coming or not?" She's looking at me, green eyes staring into my soul.

Will be in a minute if you keep looking at me like that, fucking hell.


"Uh, yeah." I stumble through the door like the idiot I am.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she asks and puts her keys down on the kitchen counter. Giving me a quick glance, she then turns around to her collection of wine bottles.

"Whatever you'll have," I respond, wanting her to drink with me to feel less awkward.

I don't like being drunk in front of her; I feel like she'd judge me. We're not teenagers anymore, but I still feel young and stupid when she's around.

"I'm not drinking," she says, disappearing into the kitchen.

When she comes back, she has a bottle in her hand. She puts it down in front of me.

"You're not?"

This is not just a drunken mistake to her.

"I don't drink anymore."

She sits down on the couch, crossing her legs and leaning back against the pillows on her couch.

"You did a few weeks ago," I remind her.

"I haven't since."

"What is this, sober October?"

"It's June," she says, rolling her eyes, "And what happened is part of the reason I've quit."

"So you regret it?"

"I didn't say that." Her eyes slowly rise to meet mine. "Do you?"

"No," I say. "The only thing I regret is losing you in the crowd."

I really should be sobering myself up before I say too much.

"You could have got with anybody else. Wouldn't have made a difference."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

She reaches for the bottle, and I feel relieved when she puts it to her lips. I watch her in silence as she takes her first couple of sips.

I'm the worst influence.

"It just sucks," I say, shrugging.


"Because I won't get another chance to, will I?"

"You sound really desperate, Cal."

I am.

"Only cause it's you. Nobody knows me the way you do. You know things about me I won't tell anyone else. I know your insecurities, I know what you like and don't like."

"Knew," she says, frowning. "It's been a long time, things change. You sound like you're some kind of sex God or something."

"So you faked it? You've had better?"

"None of your business."

"It's my business if you want me in your bed tonight."

Her movement freezes. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh no, you're staying out here."

"You can't be serious?"

"I'm am dead serious. You're not getting into my bed."

"Not even if I tempt you with cuddles?"




"How many more drinks until you change your mind?"

"It's not happening. And by the way. . ." she says, smirking at me, "that's not alcoholic. So you can stop trying to get me drunk."

💟 💟 💟
calum's so dumb and his girl so clever

he really thinks with his penis

pray for him, he might not even survive being around the savage

bye bye

broken walls / calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now